Mobbing: historia, causas, efectos y propuesta de un modelo para las organizaciones mexicanas
Mobbing: history, causes, effects and proposal for a model for Mexican organisations
Le mobbing: histoire, causes, effets et proposition d’un modèle pour les organisations mexicaines
Mobbing: história, causas, efeitos e proposta de um modelo para as organizações mexicanas
Mobbing, estrés laboral, acoso psicológico, acoso moral, organización, cultura organizacional, clima laboral (es)Mobbing, work stress, psychological harassment, moral harassment, organisation, organisational culture, working setting (en)
Mobbing, stress au travail, harcèlement psychologique, harcèlement moral, organisation, culture organisationnelle, climat de travail (fr)
Mobbing, estresse laboral, assédio psicológico, assédio moral, organização, cultura organizacional, clima organizacional (pt)
Based on the foregoing, and considering México's social and cultural context and individuals' psychological aspects, a model is proposed including emotional intelligence as a variable for Mexican organisations. The model represents a diagnostic tool for Mexican institutions leading to preventative and control measurements being drawn up, thereby contributing towards improving health in the workplace and the productiveness of the personnel working in them, since what is important is anticipating phenomena for avoiding the damage which could be caused to individuals (i.e. regarding an organisation's human capital).
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