

Using Students’ Analysis in Teaching Public Speaking for Business


Students’ analysis, English for Academic Purposes, needs assessment, students’ peer evaluation (en)



  • M Ashraf Rizvi Author
This paper investigates a particular aspect of learner participation – students’ analysis (SA) in an oral communication program of an undergraduate business and commerce curriculum in Sultan Qaboos University, Sultanate of Oman - and examines its role in improving and promoting learning effectiveness in English for Academic Purposes (EAP) classroom discourse. Drawing on the results of a set of surveys into needs analysis, students’ peer response and student feedback, it is suggested that SA can play a significant role by providing wider input into the content, design and implementation of an EAP course by creating opportunities to engage students in interesting and meaningful classroom experiences and providing essential data for reviewing and evaluating the course to improve and promote its effectiveness. Key words: Students’ analysis, English for Academic Purposes, needs assessment, students’ peer evaluation Este artículo investiga un aspecto particular de la participación del estudiante – análisis de los estudiantes en un programa de comunicación oral del currículo de un pregrado en negocios y comercio de la Universidad Sultan Qaboos del Sultanato de Oman – y examina su rol en el mejoramiento y promoción de la efectividad del aprendizaje en el discurso del aula de inglés con propósitos académicos. Basado en los resultados de una serie de encuestas sobre análisis de necesidades, respuesta a pares y retroalimentación del estudiante, se puede sugerir que el análisis de los estudiantes (SA) tiene un papel significativo en cuanto proporciona un insumo más amplio en el contenido, diseño e implementación de un curso de inglés con propósitos académicos, ofreciendo así mayores oportunidades para involucrar a los estudiantes en experiencias interesantes y significativas en el aula y brindando información esencial para la revisión y evaluación del curso, para así mejorar y promover su efectividad. Palabras claves: Análisis de los estudiantes, inglés con propósitos académicos, evaluación de necesidades, evaluación de pares

How to Cite


Rizvi, M. A. (2005). Using Students’ Analysis in Teaching Public Speaking for Business. Profile: Issues in Teachers’ Professional Development, 6(1), 107–118.


Rizvi, M.A. 2005. Using Students’ Analysis in Teaching Public Speaking for Business. Profile: Issues in Teachers’ Professional Development. 6, 1 (Jan. 2005), 107–118.


Rizvi, M. A. Using Students’ Analysis in Teaching Public Speaking for Business. Profile: Issues Teach. Prof. Dev. 2005, 6, 107-118.


RIZVI, M. A. Using Students’ Analysis in Teaching Public Speaking for Business. Profile: Issues in Teachers’ Professional Development, [S. l.], v. 6, n. 1, p. 107–118, 2005. Disponível em: Acesso em: 11 oct. 2024.


Rizvi, M Ashraf. 2005. “Using Students’ Analysis in Teaching Public Speaking for Business”. Profile: Issues in Teachers’ Professional Development 6 (1):107-18.


Rizvi, M. A. (2005) “Using Students’ Analysis in Teaching Public Speaking for Business”, Profile: Issues in Teachers’ Professional Development, 6(1), pp. 107–118. Available at: (Accessed: 11 October 2024).


M. A. Rizvi, “Using Students’ Analysis in Teaching Public Speaking for Business”, Profile: Issues Teach. Prof. Dev., vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 107–118, Jan. 2005.


Rizvi, M. A. “Using Students’ Analysis in Teaching Public Speaking for Business”. Profile: Issues in Teachers’ Professional Development, vol. 6, no. 1, Jan. 2005, pp. 107-18,


Rizvi, M Ashraf. “Using Students’ Analysis in Teaching Public Speaking for Business”. Profile: Issues in Teachers’ Professional Development 6, no. 1 (January 1, 2005): 107–118. Accessed October 11, 2024.


Rizvi MA. Using Students’ Analysis in Teaching Public Speaking for Business. Profile: Issues Teach. Prof. Dev. [Internet]. 2005 Jan. 1 [cited 2024 Oct. 11];6(1):107-18. Available from:

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