Using the Dictionary for Improving Adolescents’ Reading Comprehension of Short Scientific Texts
Dictionary use, prior knowledge, reading comprehension, scientific texts (en)This paper reports on an innovative and action research project which focused on the use of the dictionary and the prior knowledge of Colombian high school students to improve their reading comprehension of short scientific texts. Data collection instruments included students’ work gathered during two workshops, field notes, and a questionnaire. Findings showed that searching in the dictionary and activating prior knowledge seem to facilitate the use of the text to answer reading comprehension questions. Students experienced less difficulty answering questions that required literal information than those that required establishing relationships among elements of the text. They equally valued the prior knowledge of the subject and the use of the dictionary in the resolution of science workshops in English.
En este artículo se reporta un proyecto de innovación y de investigación acción centrado en el uso del diccionario y el conocimiento previo adquirido de estudiantes colombianos de secundaria para mejorar la comprensión lectora de textos científicos cortos. Los instrumentos de recolección de datos incluyen el trabajo realizado por los estudiantes durante dos talleres, notas de campo y un cuestionario. Los resultados mostraron que la consulta del diccionario y la activación de conocimientos previos parecen facilitar el uso del texto para responder preguntas de comprensión de lectura. Los estudiantes encontraron menor dificultad en la resolución de preguntas que requerían información literal que en aquellas que implicaban el establecimiento de relaciones entre los elementos del texto. Ellos valoran por igual el conocimiento previo y el uso del diccionario en la resolución de talleres de Ciencias en inglés.
Using the Dictionary for Improving Adolescents’
Reading Comprehension of Short Scientific Texts
Uso del
diccionario para mejorar la comprensión lectora de textos
científicos cortos en inglés con adolescentes
Ximena Becerra Cortés*
Colegio Saludcoop Norte, Colombia
This article was received on February 1, 2013, and
accepted on July 25, 2013.1
This paper reports on an
innovative and action research project which focused on the use of the
dictionary and the prior knowledge of Colombian high school students to improve
their reading comprehension of short scientific texts. Data collection
instruments included students’ work gathered during two workshops, field
notes, and a questionnaire. Findings showed that searching in the dictionary and
activating prior knowledge seem to facilitate the use of the text to answer
reading comprehension questions. Students experienced less difficulty answering
questions that required literal information than those that required
establishing relationships among elements of the text. They equally valued the
prior knowledge of the subject and the use of the dictionary in the resolution
of science workshops in English.
Key words: Dictionary use, prior
knowledge, reading comprehension, scientific texts.
En este artículo se reporta un proyecto de
innovación y de investigación acción centrado en el uso
del diccionario y el conocimiento previo adquirido de estudiantes colombianos
de secundaria para mejorar la comprensión lectora de textos
científicos cortos. Los instrumentos de recolección de datos
incluyen el trabajo realizado por los estudiantes durante dos
talleres, notas de campo y un cuestionario. Los resultados mostraron que
la consulta del diccionario y la activación de conocimientos previos
parecen facilitar el uso del texto para responder preguntas de
comprensión de lectura. Los estudiantes encontraron menor dificultad en
la resolución de preguntas que requerían información
literal que en aquellas que implicaban el establecimiento de relaciones entre
los elementos del texto. Ellos valoran por igual el conocimiento previo y el uso
del diccionario en la resolución de talleres de Ciencias en
Palabras clave:
comprensión de lectura, conocimiento previo, textos científicos,
uso del diccionario.
Saludcoop Norte
School is part of the pilot public schools selected by the Secretary of
Education of Bogotá, Colombia, for the implementation of a bilingual
program (Spanish and English). Educational policies argue that in times of
globalization, Colombia needs to develop the capacity of its people to handle
at least one foreign language. Hence, the National Ministry of Education has
formulated the National Bilingual Program 2004-2019. Command
of a second language means, among other things, understanding other contexts
and appropriating knowledge as to generate new knowledge and have access to
more opportunities (Ministerio de Educación
Nacional, 2005).
Taking into
account the previous statement, I as a science teacher have been designing and
applying some workshops in the foreign language related to the science issues
that I have been teaching in Spanish—my students’ mother tongue.
Workshops include the presentation of short scientific texts in English and activities
that involve their reading comprehension, encouraging ninth graders to engage
in the exploration of data, searching for specific information, and the
establishment of general ideas.
despite the belief that scientific vocabulary is easily understood because many
words are very similar in the mother tongue, students have difficulties
understanding the text so they easily stop paying attention to the rest of the
task. Students have difficulties in finding the information needed to carry out
these tasks due to their lack of proficiency in the foreign language as well as
lack of accuracy in scientific vocabulary. Therefore, it is important to guide
students in using strategies to improve their reading comprehension. Among the
strategies recommended to achieve this goal we have the search for meaning of
words within the text and the use of a dictionary for scientific vocabulary (Díaz de León, 1988).
In order to
fulfill the goals of a teacher development program I took in 2010—the
PFPD Red PROFILE2—I decided to dig into
the said problematic situation by engaging in an innovation and action research
project. I opted for encouraging ninth graders at Saludcoop
Norte School, in Bogotá, to work on the decoding of unfamiliar words
using the dictionary as well as their prior knowledge. This strategy aims to
improve reading comprehension of short scientific texts through the
establishment of relations within the knowledge acquired in the mother tongue.
Although the
implementation of the bilingual program at the school is just beginning, there
are many language and cultural difficulties that are very hard to overcome,
especially due to social and economic characteristics surrounding the student
population. However, students’ interest in bilingual education exists.
The School
is located in the Usaquén neighborhood, in the
north of the city. Ninth grade students range from 14 to 17 years of age and
live mostly in extended families (parents, siblings, uncles, grandparents,
cousins). A good number of students reported the absence of either their
fathers or mothers mainly because of abandonment, disappearance, or death. Most
of their families belong to the second and third socioeconomic strata.3 Many of the students are left alone at home and have
to take care of their siblings and do the housework; hence, reading does not
play an important role within their daily routine.
students are therefore commonly immersed in the following situations:
1. Students
lack a cultural and academic environment at home that enables parents to
support their academic work.
2. Many
of their homes do not offer the conditions that ensure stability in the
emotional aspect and provide the educational resources necessary for optimal
performance in school.
3. The
surrounding area is primarily an environment of degradation (drugs, thefts, and
assaults are local situations affecting their welfare permanently), which has
an impact on their motivation for schoolwork and their development of a life
It is
therefore a great challenge faced by teachers to foster an appropriate learning
environment that allows motivating students for academic work. In this case,
providing them with opportunities for effective interaction with texts and
guiding the use of resources to enable them to take advantage of reading and to
acquire language for the appropriate interpretation of information both become
real challenges.
This section
is intended to provide theoretical support on reading comprehension, reading
scientific texts, vocabulary enrichment, and the use of the dictionary. Here we
concentrate on the meaning of reading comprehension, the characteristics of
scientific texts, the possible types of reading, as well as some
recommendations to improve understanding and deal with the lack of vocabulary
by using the dictionary.
Reading Comprehension
I based my
work on Grellet (1981), who states that
“understanding a written text means extracting the required information
from it as efficiently as possible” (p. 3). Therefore, Grellet mentions that it is essential to take the following
elements into consideration: What do we
read? In this case, we are referring to science text books; Why do we read? We are reading for
information (in order to find out something or in order to do something with
the information); and How do we read?
We are doing intensive reading: reading shorter texts, to extract specific
Scientific Texts
Most of the
information provided in schools has a documentary source: books, articles,
scientific journals, notes, among others. Therefore, it is very important that
students know how to handle these documentary sources and how to make their
reading profit them because academic work is largely based on written
communication. Thus, the acquisition of skills related to reading comprehension
and management of scientific and technical texts allows the scope of better
academic achievements (Díaz de León, 1988).
Given that
some limitations are present for handling documentary information that is used
to inform students of the various advances in science and technology, this
innovation and action research project was intended to develop exercises
through which students could acquire skills that would enable them to achieve a
better text understanding. The scientific literature provides data about
reality. These data have to be judged to be accepted. Also, in science the
documentary sources serve as methodological, practical, and experimental
guidelines, therefore, those who read them should know how to use them for
those purposes (Díaz de León, 1988).
from an appropriate source material the students can carry out various types of
reading according to their needs: browsing, data search, and reading for
general ideas. Reading comprehension requires bringing into play those skills (Díaz de León, 1988). To do it properly, it is
necessary that the confrontation with the text is done through a constant
awareness of their own capabilities and limitations.
This reading process also requires the use of the elements that the text
provides as clues. The student facing a scientific reading must know what prior
knowledge he or she possesses about the terminology contained in it; if s/he
does not understand it, s/he has to use the same text or a different one to
learn it. The texts can be used in many ways:
• To
follow a sequence of content that progressively becomes more complex.
• To
obtain specific information.
a scientific text may be difficult because of the lack of sufficient knowledge
of the subject. Hence, the importance of choosing texts that have an
appropriate level according to what is known about the issue (Díaz de León, 1988).
According to
Alderson and Urguhart (as cited in Calderón, Carvajal, &
Guerrero, 2007), the reading comprehension process focuses on three elements:
the text being read, the background knowledge possessed by the reader, and
contextual aspects.
In everyday
language a word differs from a scientific word, because the first appears in
phrases that can be replaced by different words with the same meaning
(synonyms). The phrase made up of scientific terms cannot admit synonymous
substitutions (Díaz de León, 1988).
Given a new text the reader may discover that language is unknown to him/her
due to vocabulary or terminological difficulties. Vocabulary difficulties
concern the fact s/he does not know the meaning of the word in everyday
language. The terminological difficulties are related to the lack of special
significance that a term in a scientific discipline has (Díaz
de León, 1988). However, if the reader does not understand a word of
ordinary language, s/he can continue to read and extract meaning from the
general context of the sentence and, although there are times in which the
context does not help him, s/he will need to go to the dictionary. The most
common situation is that the meaning of new words from everyday language is
made apparent in the same course of reading. When there are unknown scientific
terms the reader must necessarily find the corresponding definition.
Enrichment of Vocabulary and Use of
the Dictionary
dictionary is used when the context does not permit extracting the meaning. So
it is very important to insist that students get used to infer from context the
meaning of the vocabulary as much as possible. They should be advised to resort
to the dictionary, but only in cases where it is really necessary (Fernández de Bobadilla, 1999).
acquisition of scientific terms is achieved through the study of the subject
area itself. Introductory texts as well as dictionaries of technical terms can
provide definitions when the context is not enough to get the meaning of
scientific terms. In relation to these terms, students do not usually need to
find them in the dictionary, since they are mostly from Latin or Greek roots
and therefore very similar to those used in their native language (e.g. polychloroprene-policloropreno,
The failure to understand the content of the term because of its specificity is
not necessarily a foreign language problem, but a problem of understanding in their own language (Fernández
de Bobadilla, 1999).
In relation
to the information provided by the dictionary, Fernández
de Bobadilla (1999) states that the student must know how to use it, especially
in relation to two main aspects which tend to cause major difficulties in
reading comprehension: the division of entries for meaning and grammatical
Division of Entries by Meaning
A lexical
unit has several meanings. Students tend to associate each lexical unit with a
single meaning. That would not be a problem because the scientific terms often
have a single, precise, and definite meaning. But in some cases we find more
than one entry for a scientific term.
Division of Entries per Grammar
A formal
unit can belong to several grammar categories. Students tend to associate each
word with a single grammatical category. The formal unit belonging to various
categories is not appropriate for scientific terms, but those belonging to
general language.
In data
search reading, the dictionary review is aimed at seeking a term. It is not
necessary to read whole paragraphs; students should be explained that we can
just take a general look at the page of the book to see if the term we want to
find appears there. At this point we have to stop and start with other reading
comprehension strategies (Díaz de León,
1988). Díaz de León adds that the
techniques of speed reading (skimming and scanning) should be applied to the
search for entries, so that the search is carried out quickly.
According to
the literature review, it is clear that reading comprehension of scientific
texts requires intensive reading to extract specific information to resolve
academic problems. Consequently, it is important to develop a methodological
process that assures better understanding while taking into account previously
acquired knowledge, use of context to face unfamiliar foreign and scientific
vocabulary, and the proper use of the dictionary.
Markee (1997) states that
“curricular innovation is a managed process of development whose principal
products are teaching (and/or testing) materials, methodological skills, and
pedagogical values that are perceived as new by potential adopters” (p.
46). The project reported here is an innovation because I wanted to improve the
students’ reading process by guiding them in the use of the dictionary.
This involved the implementation of a methodological process that we had not
done before.
Taking into
account the some considerations about investigation expressed by Calderón (2000), another reason to recognize this
project as an innovation is because it is a reflection that takes place on a
real practical problem that becomes known because of the teaching task.
Innovation in this approach not only involves providing new knowledge and
establishing laws and theories; it also allows us to establish relationships,
formulate hypotheses and dilemmas. In this case, it starts from the difficulty
observed in students in the understanding of short scientific texts in English.
innovation also involved carrying out a research exercise with a
students’ group in order to take advantage of the results of
investigations that recommend the use of the dictionary to face scientific
texts and discuss their use in the classroom while taking into account scopes and
limitations within a local context. The processes followed in the innovation
matched the ones that characterize action research because they implied
monitoring its development. To this end, Burns (1999) emphasizes that the
reflexive nature of action research means that analysis occurs over the entire
investigation. Burns (2010) also explains that action research “involves
taking a self-reflective, critical, and systematic approach to exploring your
own teaching contexts . . . it means taking an area you feel could be done
better, subjecting it to questioning, and then developing new ideas and
alternatives” (p. 2).
related to the alternatives we have to engage in with innovation projects are
the stages claimed in the literature about action research. In Burns (2010), in
particular, we find that action research processes “involve many
interwoven aspects—exploring, identifying, planning, collecting
information, analysing and reflecting, hypothesizing
and speculating, intervening, observing, reporting, writing, presenting (Burns,
1999, p. 35)—that don’t necessarily occur in any fixed
sequence” (p. 8). As can be seen, action research provides a framework
for systematic innovation implementation. All these processes were taking into
consideration and experienced by the teachers participating in the teacher
development program within which this project was carried out.
(2008) claims that understanding educational innovation as a process requires
certain steps for their uptake and application; these stages are: planning,
diffusion, adoption, implementation, and evaluation. Planning of an innovation is a decision-making process whereby
objectives and procedures are set. Diffusion
is one in which an innovation is made known to its users for their adoption and
use. In the adoption phase the teacher and the educational community decide
whether or not to start educational innovation. Implementation is a series of processes to adapt and implement the
innovative plan in specific situations and, evaluation
consists of getting the value of the whole process in order to come to know the
weaknesses and strengths, the resistance and supports.
According to
the previous statements, in this project, planning meant making decisions about
literature recommendations to face reading comprehension of scientific texts
and how to deal with the dictionary, context, and needs of ninth grade students
to implement the innovation. Diffusion involved creating an appropriate
environment at School for the innovation process. Adoption included adjustments
based on the guidance given by the tutors of the PFPD Red PROFILE who advised me along the development of the
project, the School schedule, and the availability of time and resources, among
others. Implementation involved the selection of appropriate short scientific
texts according to the level of the students and the design and application in
the science class of two workshops with activities specially designed for them.
The evaluation included analysis of the applied workshops. The data were
collected—using a questionnaire and field notes—in order to
identify progress and difficulties and to evaluate the process.
Finally, it
should be noted that the students were asked if they wanted to be part of this
innovation and action research project, and their parents were asked to sign a
consent form in a meeting. This helped me decide which students could be
observed and which evidences from them could be collected and analyzed. Hence,
I gathered data collection from 34 students.
As has been
said, data were collected from different instruments: two workshops, a
questionnaire, and field notes.
In view of
time available, two workshops were designed and developed in class. They
included the same organization: one short scientific text (a text about
evolution for Workshop 1 and another text about taxonomy for Workshop 2)
followed by activities to promote the use of prior knowledge and the
dictionary. The first activity consisted of reading the text carefully to
recognize and classify the unknown words into scientific words and other words.
The second activity included multiple-choice questions that implied
establishing relationships between prior knowledge presented on these issues in
Spanish and the text presented on the workshop. The third activity focused on
the use of the dictionary to ask for the meaning of selected words from the
text using the dictionary or the context. The fourth activity tapped into
students’ prior knowledge to ask for definitions of scientific words promoting
the use of prior knowledge or context. The final activity included true or
false questions that implied that students established relationships between
different elements of the text (see Appendices A and B).
questionnaire was designed and administered at the end of the two workshops.
They inquired about the students’ points of view and feelings regarding
the activities, difficulties found in decoding the unknown vocabulary using
different resources like the context, previous knowledge and dictionary, and
the advantages and disadvantages of using dictionaries (see Appendix C).
Field Notes
Field notes
were kept to register students’ behaviors and participation during the
application of the workshops.
Data were
analyzed based on triangulation processes, which involved resorting to the
literature review and the results of the applied workshops, as evidenced in the
questionnaires and field notes. This was done in order to ensure the
reliability and validity of the research.
categories emerged after examining the information gathered. They are, namely:
Using the Dictionary, Looking for Information to Define Given Issues, and
Reading Comprehension. The categories and their subcategories are shown in Figure 1 and they are described and discussed below.
Using the Dictionary
Students were
asked to classify unknown vocabulary from scientific texts into scientific and
nonscientific (Activity 1) terms and to write yes or no if they had used the
dictionary for each word (see Appendixes A and B).
They were
not sure about differences between these words so they expressed many doubts in
Workshop 1. After Workshop 1, a feedback session was done, which allowed among
other things, the consideration of the classifications made by the students and
to clarify terms differences, including correspondence with one or more
meanings as well as general or restricted Science use. Probably because of
that, they felt more confident in Workshop 2 and, as a result, the successful
classification of terms increased from 50% in Workshop 1 to 69% in Workshop 2.
Students were also asked to find the meanings of different
words—scientific and non-scientific terms—by paying attention to
the context or by using the dictionary (Activity 3).
Given the
characteristics of the scientific and non-scientific terms, they were
considered as two subcategories for the analysis. An additional subcategory was
established to review the opinions and feelings of the students about the
search for meanings process.
Scientific Terms
According to
the results obtained by the students, most of the scientific terms achieved
correct recognition percentages (between 78% and 94%). Terms like theory, hypothesis, fossils, were
easily recognizable because they were similar in the students’ native language
(Fernández de Bobadilla, 1999). Also easy to
recognize, but not similar in the native language were: kingdom (using the
context), fertile offspring (using
the dictionary and prior knowledge), traits,
whales (using the dictionary).
For the
translation of scientific terms they found less difficulty in relation to
grammatical categories and entries because these do not accept synonyms (Díaz de León, 1988), but they could not find
some words in dictionaries, for example, phylogeny
and kingdom. On the other hand, they
found difficulties with the translation of compound words (classification system, bottle-nosed
Non-Scientific Terms
this issue, I observed students’ results using the dictionary with
non-scientific terms and students’ opinions about the difficulties faced
during the workshops. Students identified non-scientific terms already known by
them and, as a result, they were easily recognized and adjusted to the context.
For example, survive and changes were recognized properly by 91%
of the students.
On the other
hand, in relation to the unknown terms, students had difficulties with
dictionary use when they were trying to find the most appropriate meaning among
the options presented in it. Furthermore, they did not check that the meaning
selected in the dictionary was in accord with the context of the reading. For
example, the word suited was understood as the noun suit = “colección” (collection) by most of the students
and the correct meaning was the verb in passive voice: adaptado. Only 22% of them found
the correct answer because the translation they found was not checked with the
reported many difficulties while searching for non-scientific terms like suited, means, called, gathered, known, commonly (that they
extracted from the text). This was evidenced in expressions observed in
Workshop 1 such as “I cannot find this!”, “There are some
meanings!”, “I cannot find the word!”, “The word is not
Fortunately, in Workshop 2 students were more focused and willing to resolve
the activity in an autonomous way using other resources as context and prior
Likes and Dislikes
I got to
know students’ opinions through the questionnaire and the observation
notes. Most of the students recognized that they had difficulties with unknown
words when facing a scientific text in English. For 41% of them, the use of the
context is a useful strategy to find meanings and 47% of them think that even
though they keep on reading, they do not find meanings so they decide to look
in a dictionary. One student wrote: “It is difficult for me but I try to
In addition,
students were asked about the use of the dictionary. All of them consider the
dictionary useful but 23% notice that they cannot always find the word that
best corresponds to the text. In relation to the understanding of scientific
texts in English, the opinions of the students were divided: those who
understand the vocabulary (32%), those who have difficulties with the scientific
vocabulary (even in their mother tongue) (29%), and those who have difficulties
with foreign language vocabulary (29%).
opinions confirm the difficulties to use the context and to appropriately use
the dictionary to find scientific and non-scientific terms. Another important
point was the quality of the dictionaries that they brought to class. Although
the number of suitable dictionaries for the activities increased in Workshop 2,
which suggests students were more aware of the importance of a good dictionary,
some of them were not good enough to resolve the activities.
Looking for Information to Define
Given Issues
acquired in the mother tongue and contexts are useful sources when facing
scientific readings. In this section the use of prior knowledge and context are
analyzed (Activity 4).
Prior Knowledge
answered multiple choice questions concerning information which we had worked
previously in science class, and in their mother tongue (see Appendices A and B). More than 50% of the students
reached correct answers. For example, they easily recognized that
“Charles Darwin was an English naturalist” and that “Cordata is not a kingdom.”
The use of
prior knowledge was useful in the reporting of specific data such as dates and
events, but not as useful when students were required to establish
relationships with the text. In the case of the question, “Traits best
suited” relates to…, the
answer, “helpful variations,” involved understanding the meaning of
the words according to the context. Only four students answered correctly. In
connection to this, we should remember that
The reading
comprehension process focuses on three elements: the text being read, the
background knowledge possessed by the reader and contextual aspects. [Hence],
to comprehend a reading it is necessary that the reader can extract key words
in order to capture the whole sense of the text. (Calderón
et al., 2007, p. 28)
To define
scientific terms in English, students had two chances: using prior knowledge or
using context provided by the readings. Students wrote the use of one of the
two strategies showing prior knowledge preference in both workshops
(percentages averages were 71% and 48%) despite the fact that in the second
workshop around 25% of the population did not write their preference. In
addition I could notice that students used their notes along the development of
both workshops. Although in their notebooks there were no literal definitions,
most students realized that when they define most of the scientific terms they
can use prior knowledge.
knowledge seems to be useful and students realize it in concepts like reproduce and evolution, in which they reached higher percentages (66 and 53%) of
correct answers. However, in Workshop 1 they had many difficulties defining the
concept of natural selection and only
three students took it from the text. The answer was literal: “Natural
selection means that organisms with traits best suited to their environment are
more likely to survive and reproduce” (see Appendix A).
There were
the same difficulties when defining scientific terms in Workshop 2. Phylogeny, kingdom, and species as natural selection definitions were taken
literally from the text (see Appendix B), but the
students’ percentages of correct answers decreased compared to Workshop 1
(percentage average 27%). Here we saw the importance of creating awareness
among students of the importance of establishing relations between prior
knowledge and context to create definitions because prior knowledge is not
always enough to resolve the task. Alderson and Urguhart
(as cited in Calderón et al., 2007, p. 28)
emphasize that “background knowledge is a helpful tool,” but the
reader has to take in mind the text, to “reorganize his knowledge and put
it together better.”
Contextual Aspects
In general
terms, students improved their performance in Workshop 2 in relation to Workshop
1. According to the percentages of correct answers, students improved in
Activities 1, 2, and 5: in Activity 1: classifying
unknown words, from 50% to 69%; in Activity 2: activating prior knowledge, from 52% to 69%; and in Activity 5: reading comprehension, from 42% to 63%.
Activity 3, using the dictionary, was
almost the same (81% and 79%); whereas in Activity 4, defining scientific terms, their performance decreased from 47% to
27%. In this case, the use of prior knowledge proved not to be enough for the
development of appropriate definitions.
terms as phylogeny, kingdom, species (present in Workshop 2) and natural selection (in Workshop 1) had in common that they were the
concepts to be defined and with the least number of correct answers. Although
the concepts’ definitions could be taken literally from the text of the
workshop, I could notice that students needed a greater use of the context to
construct definitions.
Reading Comprehension
This section
includes the analysis of the results obtained in the resolution of the last
activity of the two workshops in which students were expected to show their
understanding as well as their likes and dislikes in relation to them.
Decoding the Written Text
For Lopera (2012), “reading is an interactive process in
which the writer and the reader dialog through a text” (p. 85). In my
case, this was enhanced by engaging students in using some reading strategies.
In connection to this, the same author reviews several related studies and
points out that the reading process can be more successful if students receive
strategy instruction. I could observe that activating prior knowledge and
searching in the dictionary seemed to facilitate the use of the text to answer
the questions through which students were expected to signal understanding of
the given texts. In the last activity of the workshops, students were expected
to decode the written text, that is, to extract the underlying meaning from it.
average of correct answers to the items contained in the last activity was 42%
in Workshop 1, and in two questions they showed percentages above 50%. The
highest percentage was for the item “The Origin of the Species was never
published” (59%). The other item, “When Darwin refers to traits,
this is the same as the individual characteristics,” scored 53% of right
responses. Probably, it could be answered correctly because of the use of the
dictionary. In a previous activity, 72% of the students used the dictionary to
look for the meaning of the word trait,
which proved to be useful, because 84% of the students found the correct
Workshop 2
showed the three highest percentages (72%, 72%, and 69%) for three questions
that implied an appropriate use of the context and establishing relations among
different elements of the text as well as taking advantage of the
methodological process of the workshop using dictionary and prior knowledge.
This can be contrasted with Workshop 1, in which the highest percentage reached
The lowest percentage
found in Workshop 1 was 25% for question 5d. It is likely that this problem is
related to the previous difficulties defining the natural selection concept, because it was literal. In contrast, 47%
was found in Workshop 2, when students answered the question “Man and
bottle-nosed dolphin belong to the same class.” This low percentage was
perhaps due to difficulties in finding the meaning of a compound word.
The above
results confirm that reading scientific texts requires the stakes of skills
that are not restricted to decoding the written text. It is also necessary to
know how to use it to organize the information provided in the resolution of
academic problems (Díaz de León, 1988).
The average
of correct answers increased from 42% in Workshop 1 to 63% in Workshop 2 (see Figure 2). The difference is attributed to a greater use of
context in addition to the prior knowledge in the resolution of questions.
Perhaps this was due to the fact that students took into account the feedback
received in Workshop 1 and that empowered them to improve their results. As can
be seen, the highest number of correct responses was gotten from questions
which required a literal information search within the text, as well as easier
ways to explain why the sentence was true or false. Students were asked to
write arguments, but the frequency of writing was very little. Two questions
presented the highest number of arguments. One of them was the question
“The Origin of the Species was never published,” where five
students wrote not only false but
answers such as “It was published in 1859;” in the other,
“Phylogeny refers to the economical history of
an organism,” six students wrote not only false but explanations such as “It refers to the evolutionary
history.” This question obtained 67% of correct answers (see Figure 2).
Despite the
increase in positive results in Workshop 2, it was observed that most students
were still reluctant to develop arguments in their responses, although in the
feedback provided in Workshop 1, taking this into account was suggested.
Additionally, there were difficulties in establishing relationships between
elements of the text and the true or false sentences, for contrasting ideas or
finding similarities that allowed them to justify their answers or at least
make it explicit in writing. Some students wrote arguments like “I am not
sure,” “I think so,” “It is said in reading,”
“This is in reading.” Although they are not valid arguments, this
could reflect that the requested process is difficult for them and that they
are not aware of its importance because they consider that recognizing the
sentence as true or false is enough.
students were asked about their whole understanding, 50% of them considered
that they understood science in Spanish. According to the review of the other
percentages, English understanding reached 12% and science in English
understanding reached 26%. It could be argued that science in English has a
lower degree of difficulty for students than regular English, which would be
contradictory. However, this result could be explained by the satisfaction of
some of the students with the positive results reached in the development of
the workshops, which made them feel empowered to take on challenges.
Likes and Dislikes
A high
percentage of students (86%) expressed they liked having lessons that included
science activities in English. Their responses were as follows: all science
classes (12%), once a week (53%), and once a month (21%). Among the reasons
that justify why they would prefer this once a week, they mentioned the
possibility of improving their English by applying it in different contexts as
well as the enrichment of not only their usual vocabulary but scientific
vocabulary too. They also remarked on the value of the contribution of this
kind of initiatives to science learning which at the same time helps them
improve their English proficiency. Finally, it should be noted that when
students were asked about strategies for improving their understanding to
develop science workshops in English, they recognized and equally valued prior
knowledge of the subjects (44%) and the use of the dictionary (44%).
Results of
this innovation are limited and require the implementation of a greater number
of designed and applied workshops to test the significant effectiveness of the
methodological process implemented. Although students showed better performance
in the second workshop and felt comfortable with the methodology, which could
be an indicator of its success, students’ results must be better.
students do not have adequate dictionaries for the development of the
workshops; this difficulty had to be faced through collaborative work with
peers. So, optimized access to resources through checking dictionary
availability for each student before workshops application could have improved
Before this
innovation, when I had applied science workshops in English, students had shown
difficulties decoding information due to a lack of foreign language proficiency
and scientific vocabulary. There had been emphasis on the strategy of the use
of the context to infer missing information but students could not distinguish
the majority of the meanings; therefore, most of the students did not get
involved in the activity and only a few students attempted to perform it. As
far as dictionaries are concerned, they had been requested to develop the workshops;
however, not all the dictionaries were suitable due to factors such as a lack
of appropriate parents’ criteria to buy a dictionary because the lowest
cost is generally decisive in the buying decision. As a consequence,
dictionaries are not always adequate because they handle a small number of
words and limited entries for meanings and grammatical categories. Students
showed difficulties in the use of the dictionary, especially managing the
division of entries: per meaning and per grammatical category. For example,
students tended to consider just the first meaning or they could not find verbs
in the past tense, the passive voice or comparatives.
Along the
development of the project, decoding unknown words presented more difficulties
with non-scientific terms than with scientific terms. This seems to be due to
native language similarities, prior knowledge of terms and difficulties using
dictionaries. Students appreciate the use of the context, the dictionary, and
prior knowledge for the resolution of the science workshops, but strategies
have to be implemented to help or motivate them to improve the use of the
context in reading comprehension in general.
preferred the use of prior knowledge in tasks such as defining scientific
terms. Prior knowledge proves to be useful in the reporting of specific data
such as dates and events and to create some definitions but when this was not
enough to resolve the task; they had difficulties establishing relationships
with it and the context.
methodological process of activating prior knowledge and searches in the
dictionary seems to facilitate the use of the text to answer the questions
aimed at checking the students’ understanding. Students’ better
performance in Workshop 2 could be considered an indicator of the success of
the methodology employed by taking in mind feedback given in Workshop 1.
students are required to write arguments to support their true or false
responses, they are limited to literal information from the text. There is a
resistance from most of the students to develop arguments regarding their
responses. There are difficulties in establishing relationships between
elements of the text and the true or false sentences and in contrasting ideas
or finding similarities that allow them to justify their answers or at least
make them explicit in writing.
Although we
could implement only two workshops, it was observed that some students had an
optimistic feeling towards the positive results they reached with the
development of the workshops by activating prior knowledge and using the
dictionary. The majority of them assessed the science activities in English in
a positive way due to the fact that they gave them the opportunity to
experience the discovery that English can be applied in different contexts,
enriching not only daily vocabulary but scientific vocabulary and science
For the
purpose of this study I chose short scientific texts from a science book. But
articles from scientific journals are also documentary sources that are very
important in the science area and so students should know how to handle them.
This is of upmost relevance if we take into account that the academic world is
based largely on written communication (Díaz
de León, 1988).
that reading requires not only decoding the text also establishing relations
among elements of the text and the activities to be considered, I saw that
students need training in their native language to improve their reasoning
process and, hence, their reading comprehension. In line with this, it is very
important to insist that students get used to inferring the meaning of the
vocabulary from the context as much as possible.
For future
innovations about using the dictionary to improve reading comprehension of short
scientific texts, I recommended exploring not only dictionaries, but also
introductory science texts and technical dictionaries that are recommended in
literature and that could be very useful in familiarizing students with
different sources of information.
1 This paper reports
on a study conducted by the author while participating in the PROFILE Teacher
Development Programme at Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá campus, in 2010. The programme was sponsored by Secretaría
de Educación de Bogotá, D. C. Code
number: 1576, August 24, 2009, and modified on March 23, 2010.
2 PFPD stands
for “Programa de Formación
Permanente de Docentes” (Permanent Professional
Development Programme). The Red
PROFILE is a PFPD for schoolteachers. It is run at Universidad Nacional de Colombia, in Bogotá, and motivates
teachers to engage in action research and innovation projects.
3 Colombian
socioeconomic strata are a classification of households from its physical
characteristics and its environment, categorized into six groups with similar social
and economic conditions. Strata 1 and 2 correspond to people with fewer
resources and strata 5 and 6 correspond to people with ample resources.
These expressions were translated from Spanish: “¡No
puedo encontrar esto!”; “¡Aquí hay muchos significados!”;
“¡No puedo encontrar la palabra!”; “¡La palabra
no está aquí!”.
5 The original questionnaires were
designed in Spanish and translated into English to comply with the journal
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Biggs, A.,
Daniel, L., Ortleb, E., Rillero,
P., & Zike, D. (2002). Glencoe Science: Life Science. Columbus,
OH: Glencoe/ McGraw-Hill.
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language teachers. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Burns, A. (2010). Doing action research in English language teaching:
A guide for practitioners. New York, NY: Routledge.
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Díaz de León, A. E. (1988). Guía de comprensión de
lectura. Textos científicos y técnicos [A guide to reading comprehension.
Scientific and technical texts]. México D.F.,
MX: CONPES. Retrieved from
Fernández de
Bobadilla, N. (1999). Hacia un uso
correcto del diccionario en
la lectura de textos científicos en inglés
[Towards a correct use of the dictionary in the reading of scientic
texts in English]. Encuentro: Revista de
Investigación e Innovación en la Clase de Idiomas, 11, 96-105. Retrieved
Grellet, F. (1981). Developing reading skills.
Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Lopera, S. (2012). Effects of
strategy instruction in an EFL reading comprehension course: A case study. PROFILE Issues in Teachers’
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Markee, N. (1997). Managing curricular
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Ministerio de Educación Nacional. (2005, October/November). Bases para una
nación bilingüe y competitiva [Foundations
for a competitive and bilingual nation]. Altablero: 37. Retrieved
About the
Ximena Becerra Cortés has worked
and studied in Colombia. She is a science teacher at Saludcoop
Norte School in Bogotá. She holds a bachelor's degree in teaching
biology from Universidad Pedagógica Nacional and an MS in biology from Universidad de los
Appendix A:
Workshop 1. Finding the Meaning of Unknown Words
Course: 901
To promote prior knowledge and dictionary use to
improve reading comprehension.
theme: Evolution, Natural Selection
activity: Read the text carefully and underline the unknown words.
The theory of evolution suggests why there are
differences among living things!
developed the theory of evolution that is accepted by most scientists today. He
described his ideas in a book called On
the Origin of Species, which was published in 1859. After many years,
Darwin’s hypothesis became known as the theory of evolution by natural
selection. Natural selection means
that organisms with traits best suited to their environment are more likely to
survive and reproduce. Their traits are passed on to more offspring. The
principles that describe how natural selection works are listed in Table 1.
Over time,
as new data have been gathered and reported, some changes have been made to
Darwin’s original ideas about evolution by natural selection. His theory
remains one of the most important ideas in the study of life science.
English text
adapted from Biggs, Daniel, Ortleb, Rillero, & Zike (2002, p.
1. Classify
the underlined unknown words into
2. Activating
prior knowledge
Choose the correct option.
a. Charles
Darwin was a(an):
1. French botanist
2. Italian zoologist
3. English naturalist
4. German geologist
b. “Traits
best suited” relates to
1. environment
2. helpful variations
3. organisms
4. offspring
c. Darwin’s
theory has been modified in a modern evolutionary synthesis that is called:
1. neo-Darwinism
2. Darwinism
3. Lamarckism
4. neo-Lamarckism
d. In
2009, in relation to Darwin’s life, a celebration occurred of 200 years
of his
1. birth
2. death
3. publication of On the
Origin of Species
4. beginning of the five year
voyage on the Beagle
3. Using the
Find the
meanings of the words (by paying attention to the context or by using the
4. Define
the following words using your previous knowledge (PK) or using the context
provided by the reading (C).
5. According
to the text, is the sentence True or False? Why?
a. ______ When
Darwin refers to traits, this is the same as individual characteristics.
b. ______ A hypothesis is the same as a theory.
c. ______ The
Origin of the Species was never published.
d. ______ Natural
selection means that organisms with traits not suited to their environment are
more likely to survive and reproduce.
e. ______ Offspring
of individuals with helpful variations number more than offspring without these
helpful variations.
Appendix B:
Workshop. Understanding Scientific Texts
Course: 901
To promote prior knowledge and dictionary use to
improve reading comprehension.
Science theme: Taxonomy
activity: Read the text carefully and underline the unknown words.
Modern Classification System
In the late eighteenth century, Carolus Linnaeus, a Swedish naturalist,
developed a new system of grouping organisms. His classification system was
based on looking for organisms with similar structures. Today studies about
fossils, hereditary information and early stages of development are used to
determine an organism’s phylogeny.
Phylogeny is
the evolutionary history of an organism, or how it has changed over time. Today
it is the basis for the classification of many organisms.
classification system commonly used today groups
organisms into five kingdoms. A kingdom is the first and largest category.
Kingdoms can be divided into smaller groups. The smallest classification
category is a species. Organisms that belong to the same species can mate and
produce fertile offspring. To understand how an organism is classified, look at
this classification of the bottle-nosed dolphin:
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Cetacea
Family: Delphinidae
Genus: Tursiops
Species: Tursiops truncates
The classification of the bottle-nosed dolphin shows that it falls under
the order Cetacea. This order includes whales and
English text adapted from Biggs et al. (2002, p. 23).
1. Classify
the underlined unknown words into
2. Activating
prior knowledge
Choose the best option.
a. This is not a kingdom
1. Plantae
2. Protists
3. Cordata
4. Bacteria
b. Carolus Linnaeus was born in
1. 1607
2. 1707
3. 1807
4. 1907
c. Carolus Linnaeus is often called the father of
1. Genetics
2. Chemistry
3. Taxonomy
4. Zoology
d. The binomial nomenclature is
used for naming
1. Families
2. Species
3. Kingdom
4. Orders
3. Using
the dictionary
Find the meaning of the words (by paying attention to the context or by
using the dictionary).
4. Define the following words using
your previous knowledge (PK) or using the context provided by the reading (C).
5. According
to the text, is the sentence True or False? Why?
a. _____ Carolus
Linnaeus developed a new classification system based on organisms’
b. _____ Fossils are helpful to determine
an organism’s phylogeny.
c. _____ Phylogeny refers to the economical history of an organism.
d. _____ The
five kingdoms are bacteria, protista, fungi, plantae, and animalia.
e. _____ A Species is a group of
organisms that can mate and produce fertile offspring.
f. _____ Man and the bottle-nosed dolphin
belong to the same class.
g. _____ Whales, dolphins, and porpoises
belong to the same family.
To learn students’ opinions about the advantages and disadvantages
of using dictionaries, the quality of the workshops, the difficulties found in
decoding the unknown vocabulary using different resources, and their points of
view about the activities.
Dear Student:5 The purpose of this
questionnaire is to get your feedback on activities in science class related to
decoding unfamiliar words in English and Spanish and using the dictionary to
improve reading comprehension of scientific texts.
Mark with an X the answer that best fits your views. Your sincerity will
be of great help to us.
1. How
often would you like to develop science in English activities in science
a. All
b. Once
a week
c. Once
a month
d. Never
e. Other,
which one? _______________________________________________________________
2. Do you
a. You
understand English?
b. You
understand science?
c. You
understand science in English?
d. Other.
Which one? _______________________________________________________________
3. When you
face a scientific text in English:
a. You
understand everything.
b. You
have difficulties with some words, but you keep on reading and you find their
c. You
have difficulties with some words and even though you keep on reading you do
not find their meaning, so you decide look them up in a dictionary.
d. You
have difficulty understanding despite implementing the strategies above.
e. Other.
Which one? _______________________________________________________________
4. Understanding
scientific texts in English.
a. It
is easy. I understand scientific words and other words.
b. I
have difficulties with scientific words and although they are similar to
Spanish words, I do not understand their meaning.
c. It
is difficult because I do not understand many words in the text whether or not
they are scientific, since they are in English.
d. Other.
Which one? _______________________________________________________________
5. To use the
dictionary is:
a. Useful,
because I choose the word that best corresponds taking
into account the context.
b. Not
always useful, because I cannot always find the word that best corresponds to
the context.
c. Useless,
because I do not always find the meaning of the words that I look for.
6. Understanding
and developing science workshops in English is easier when:
a. I
have previously worked on the same topic in Spanish.
b. I
have a dictionary.
c. Other?
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