Pedagogical Factors that Influence EFL Teaching: Some Considerations for Teachers’ Professional Development
Linguistic principles, pedagogical factors, teachers’ professional development (en)Pedagogical
Factors that Influence EFL Teaching: Some Considerations for Teachers’
Professional Development
Factores pedagógicos que influyen en la enseñanza del inglés como lengua extranjera: algunas consideraciones para el desarrollo profesional de docentes
José Vicente Abad
Fundación Universitaria Luis Amigó, Colombia
This article
was received on June 12, 2012, and accepted on September 4, 2012.
In this article we
present the results of a qualitative research study on the pedagogical factors
that influence English teaching in four public schools of Medellín,
Colombia. Twelve teachers were interviewed regarding three linguistic
principles: communicative competence, native language effect, and
interlanguage. The data analysis led to the identification of various factors,
such as teachers’ linguistic ego, view of their teaching role, and
attitude towards English, which shape English teaching and are tied to teachers’
education. It was concluded that teachers’ professional development must
tap into these factors so teachers can effectively revise their beliefs and
adjust their practices to ensure a high quality in their teaching.
Key words: Linguistic principles, pedagogical factors, teachers’ professional development.
este artículo se presentan los resultados de una investigación
cualitativa acerca de los factores pedagógicos que influyen en la
enseñanza del inglés en cuatro escuelas públicas de
Medellín (Colombia). Doce maestros fueron entrevistados sobre tres
principios lingüísticos: competencia comunicativa, efecto de la
lengua nativa e interlenguaje. A partir del análisis se concluyó
que factores como el ego lingüístico, la percepción del
papel del docente y la actitud frente al inglés son determinantes en la
enseñanza de esta lengua. Se concluye que dichos factores deben ser
incorporados en los programas de desarrollo profesional para que los maestros
puedan revisar sus creencias y ajustar sus prácticas efectivamente y
así asegurar la calidad de su enseñanza.
Palabras clave: desarrollo profesional docente, factores pedagógicos, principios lingüísticos.
An unprecedented
educational reform in the field of language teaching and learning is well on
its way in Colombia since the Ministry of Education presented the National
Bilingual Program (NBP) for the period 2004 – 2019, and whose most-cited
publication to date has been the Basic Standards for Foreign Language:
English (Ministerio de Educación Nacional – MEN, 2006). The
plan seeks for Colombian citizens to become bilingual in English and Spanish to
strengthen the country’s position in the arena of global politics and
transnational markets. Although stakeholders at the academic, political, and
financial levels agree on the need for a policy to guide the dissemination of
foreign languages within the national territory, the program has not been free
from criticism.
On the one hand,
some researchers (De Mejía, 2006; Usma, 2009) have warned that the plan,
based on imported policies and adopted without any consideration of the local
culture and knowledge, could easily contribute to widen the social gap between
cultural minorities, underprivileged citizens, and elite economic groups. By
demanding the same results from all Colombian students without making any
provisions for their social background, the plan accentuates the disparities
between private and public education, and thus perpetuates existing conditions
of inequality.
On the other hand,
the conditions to properly implement foreign language teaching and learning in
Colombian public schools are not given. Some researchers (Cadavid, McNulty,
& Quinchía, 2004; Valencia, 2006 as cited by Usma, 2009) had already
made this point back in times of the General Education Law (Ley General de
Educación, 1994). Paradoxically, although some changes have been made in
the public sector, they are not enough to meet the ambitious goals set by the
NBP1. This imbalance
has once again brought to the forefront the impending need for a structural
revamp of the public educational system, which appears to be humanly and
logistically unprepared to measure up to the challenge presented by the current
Teachers’ Professional Development
In fact, when
political and educational authorities consider the implementation of the
program, the first question they must answer is how to prepare teachers for the
task. The professional development of English teachers (TPD) in Colombia, its
challenges, and its implications have been in the center of academic discussion
in recent years (Cadavid, Quinchía & Díaz, 2009;
Cárdenas, González & Álvarez, 2010). In theory, TPD
emerges from a genuine commitment between teachers and the academic,
professional, and social communities they serve; it involves an intentional,
systematic, and continuous process by which teachers further their personal,
professional and political growth; and it entails the improvement of
teachers’ attitudes, skills, and knowledge with regard to their practice.
Unfortunately, this is rarely the case in Colombia.
In this climate of
concern as to the implementation of the plan and its impact on the public
school system, particularly as concerns the professional development of
teachers, an interdisciplinary group of researchers in the areas of psychology
and English teaching at Fundación Universitaria Luis Amigó
conducted a mixed research study about the psycholinguistic and the pedagogical
factors that influence the teaching and learning of English as a Foreign
Language in four public schools in Medellín, Colombia.
Following a
quantitative approach, psychologists examined the psycholinguistic factors that
either facilitate or encumber the learning of English as a foreign language in
students ages nine through 12. With these psycholinguistic competences in mind,
English teachers-researchers followed a qualitative approach to determine the
pedagogical factors that influence the teaching of English at the participating
schools. To that end we chose the three linguistic principles of language
teaching according to Brown (2007) i.e. communicative competence,
interlanguage, and native language effect, as a starting point to discuss with
teachers their perception of English teaching and learning in their classrooms.
After the analysis, some unforeseen data emerged. We grouped them into three
general categories: internal and external pedagogical factors, teaching and
learning strategies, and teachers’ professional development.
This article
summarizes the results of the study’s qualitative component, and
particularly focuses on the internal pedagogical factors and on the way they
are linked to teachers’ professional development. At the end, in light of
the demands posed by the NBP, a case is made for the inclusion of such factors
in TPD programs so teachers can revise their beliefs and adjust their practices
to ensure a high quality in their teaching.
Literature Review
Pre-established Categories
The communicative
competence is a comprehensive construct that encompasses all the necessary
skills to communicate effectively through the use of verbal and non-verbal
language (Canale & Swain, 1980; Bachman & Palmer, 1996). According to
Bachman and Palmer (1996), language ability is divided into organizational
knowledge and pragmatic knowledge. Organizational knowledge comprises
grammatical knowledge, required to operate at the word and sentence levels, and
textual knowledge, which deals with the more complex aspect of text. Pragmatic
knowledge comprises functional knowledge, which accounts for the ability to
communicate and interpret intentions; and sociolinguistic knowledge, which
allows language users to effectively communicate within a socio-cultural
context. In addition to these types of knowledge, the communicative competence
also includes strategic competence and psychomotor skills.
In the process of
developing their communicative competence, learners move through a rather
systematic process of reconstruction of the language of study. Interlanguage is
the scientific term used to describe the learners’ interim system of
hypotheses about the structure and functioning of the target language that
learners build up in their mind as they progress toward communicating with an
ever closer-to-standard version of it (White, 2003; Brown, 2007). The
learners’ successful passage through these interlinguistic stages largely
depends on the teachers’ instruction and feedback, a process that can be
interpreted as a language-learning version of Vygotsky’s Zone of Proximal
Development (Vygotsky, 1978).
native language greatly influences the development of their communicative
competence in a foreign language, as it largely shapes their interlanguage,
particularly in its initial stages. This influence is known as the native
language effect. According to Brown (2007), although the native language both
facilitates and interferes with the learning of other languages, the
interfering aspect of it is often more easily perceived in class.
Emerging Categories
By factors we refer
to the conditioning forces that regulate the relations among the constituent
elements of the teaching and learning process i.e. teachers, students,
methodology, and subject matter (Abad & Maturana, 2010). Internal factors
are subjective and relational; they originate in the individuals and shape
their classroom roles and relationships. Some of them are students’ and
teachers’ perceptions, beliefs and attitudes. In a recent study,
López (2010) established that:
(…) teachers’ perceptions are reflected in their attitudes. To be exact, one’s attitudes toward an innovation are the result of the perceptions (and quite possibly misconceptions) that one has about it. (…) [Likewise] attitudes (…) are reflected in their behaviours. For example, a positive attitude towards innovation may be reflected by cooperative behaviour while an ambivalent or negative attitude is likely to be reflected by non-cooperation or even resistance. (p. 64)
Although also
influential, external factors lie to a greater or lesser extent out of the
teachers’ and learners’ scope of control. Some of them are class
time and space, institutionally set curricula, educational policies, and
socio-cultural context.
With regard to
strategies, Orlich, Harder, Callaham, Trevisan, and Brown (as cited by
Maturana, 2011) consider them as plans thought out to achieve specific goals.
Learning strategies are behaviors in which students engage or techniques that
they purposely apply to carry out a task or solve a problem (O’Malley
& Chamot, 1990; Oxford, 1990). Teaching strategies are informed,
intentional plans that guide teaching. For Cole (2008) they are organized sets
of principles that derive from teachers’ experiential or educational
knowledge, but which also have relevance in a particular context. Teaching
strategies tend to be inclusive, so they work with students from different
backgrounds; and most importantly, they engage students in their own learning.
conducted the study only at public schools that were part of the
“Escuelas de Calidad” program2 (Secretaría
de Educación de Medellín, 2010) in order to increase the
likelihood that all participants came from the same socio-economic background,
that teachers had had similar opportunities for professional education, and
that students had had a similar level of exposure to English both inside of
school and out. Four schools from the program agreed to be part of the study.
Psychologists-researchers applied a battery of six tests to 111 students
between nine to 12 years of age3 to measure their psycholinguistic skills.
Teachersresearchers simultaneously worked with the twelve respective English
teachers at the 4 pre-selected schools.
Out of the twelve
teachers interviewed, eleven taught in 4th and 5th
grades, and only one taught in 6th grade. All of them have received
a college education majoring in teaching. Two teachers earned undergraduate
degrees in basic education, and nine did it in areas such as Spanish,
literature, special education, and pedagogy. Only the middle school teacher,
who was also the only man in the group, majored in English teaching. Their
general teaching experience ranged from eight to 32 years, and their experience
teaching English went from one to 20 years. All teachers except one have
studied English through either in-service training arranged by the Secretary of
Education or language lessons at local institutes.
For the data collection
the teachers first signed a consent form and completed a demographic survey.
Then, to identify the pedagogical factors that influence English teaching in
the participating schools, the researchers applied a semi-structured interview
(see Appendix) that probed the teachers’ beliefs and
perceptions about their own teaching and their students’ learning
regarding the three linguistic principles described above. Interviews were
carried out in sessions of 20 to 30 minutes by different researchers on a
one-on-one basis at each of the participating schools.
As for the data
analysis, interviews were initially recorded and transcribed. Transcripts were
then analyzed according to Burn’s model (1999). Researchers applied a
deductive model to codify the pre-established categories, and an inductive
model to classify the emerging ones. Once both types of categories had been
identified and described, they were subject to group discussions from which the
final interpretations emerged. To maximize the validity of the study,
researchers applied personal triangulation (Denzin, as cited by Lacorte, 1999)
or investigators’ triangulation (Burns, 1999; Golafshani, 2003), which
refers to the process by which different researchers analyze the same set of
data in order to obtain a richer understanding of it while guarding against
personal bias.
Communicative Competence, Interlanguage and Native
Language Effect
The teachers who
participated in the study have adjusted their teaching to meet their
students’ needs, but always within the restrictions set by the
school’s curriculum and resources. They perceived the teaching and
learning of vocabulary and the repetition of words as strengths, but mentioned
aspects such as pronunciation, sentence structure and spelling as weaknesses
that spilled over into their classes. From the perspective of developing the
communicative competence, researchers concluded that the aforementioned factors
have led the teachers in this study to favor organizational knowledge, often to
the detriment of pragmatic knowledge.
The teachers
considered that abilities to analyze sentence structure (syntactic analysis),
to reproduce speech sounds (phonemic awareness), and to recognize words in
context (receptive vocabulary) were key factors in facilitating language
learning. They often observed these skills in their students’ application
of strategies such as translating words or phrases, repeating words or sounds,
and identifying or coining terms.
Perceptions of the
role of L1 in L2 teaching and learning varied greatly from one teacher to the
other. Teachers held differing and even opposing views regarding the use of
translation and word coinage in the EFL classroom. However, all the teachers
who participated in this study agreed that a strong general knowledge of the
native language facilitates the learning of the foreign language.
When asked to
consider how Spanish as a native language influenced the learning of English,
the participating teachers indicated that similarities between the two
languages in aspects such as vocabulary and writing facilitated the process,
but differences in other aspects such as sentence structure, and the disparity
between English spelling and pronunciation made it difficult to learn.
Partially because of these contrasting differences between both languages,
these teachers have focused on teaching the written component of English, while
they have disregarded the oral aspect of it.
Internal Pedagogical Factors, Teaching Strategies, and
The analysis of the
interviews revealed that most of the teachers who participated in the study had
a low linguistic ego and a low image of themselves as English teachers. Most of
the teachers interviewed did not consider themselves to be adequately trained
either linguistically or pedagogically to perform as English teachers. Despite
some English lessons they have taken, they regarded their English proficiency
as insufficient and therefore inadequate to teach the language. Some of them
also emphasized that even though they had received general teaching training,
they lacked knowledge regarding the teaching of foreign languages.
When the teachers
perceived that any of their language skills was insufficient, they usually
shied away from teaching it. For instance, if teachers felt their pronunciation
was deficient, they avoided teaching it directly, or brought the teaching of it
to a minimum. However, in most cases, out of a deep sense of moral
responsibility (López, 2010), they resorted to other means such as technology,
mass media, or external school aids to compensate for their own deficiencies
and hence ensure that their students received significant input in the skills
they lacked. We have called these measures Compensatory Teaching Strategies.
To illustrate the use of these strategies, one participant commented:
I teach my children (…) within my possibilities, for I recognize that I do not have pronunciation or any of those things. I bring them the CD, I play it on the TV, I bring the DVD so they can learn pronunciation, so they won’t learn so many mistakes (from me). (Interview 2)4
attitudes toward English interplayed with their linguistic ego to determine not
only the role they assigned to Spanish in their classrooms but also the
teaching strategies they used. Teachers with a negative attitude towards
English saw the learning of the first language as a pre-requisite to learning
the second one. In addition, they tended to postpone the teaching of English in
favor of teaching Spanish. A case in point was a teacher who claimed:
“(…) from a political standpoint, I think that teaching English is
playing the game of a superpower that has done whatever it has wanted with the
underdeveloped South American countries, so teaching English is not appealing
to me” (Interview 6)5. Later she commented: “I told my students that
if they did not know how to use Spanish in its most basic form, I was not going
to mess with English.”6
In contrast, teachers
with a receptive and open attitude towards English saw the learning of the
first and the second language as complementary processes that could take place
simultaneously. They applied rudimentary elements of contrastive linguistics
and turned to translation whenever they deemed it fitting to facilitate
students’ learning. Furthermore, even when they had a low linguistic ego,
they were more likely to resort to compensatory teaching strategies. On another
note, when teachers combined a receptive attitude towards English with a high
linguistic ego, they tended to see the frequent use of Spanish translation in
the class as a negative practice that hindered communication and slowed down
learning. In this respect one teacher said: “(…) we teach our
students to translate too much, and this is a very serious and fatal
Finally, it is
worth noting that all the elementary school teachers were emphatic about the
need to hire professionally trained English teachers to do the job instead of
themselves, and that they traced their sense of inadequacy as language teachers
back to deficiencies in their professional training and development. Indeed,
despite their differing positions as regards English and its teaching, they
highlighted professional development as a crucial factor in defining the
quality of their teaching. This was better stated by one of the participant
teachers when she described a training course she had taken:
Look, we did an English course, we had a wonderful time, we laughed a lot (…) we did a portfolio and that was spectacular, and we finished off with an integration party. It was really nice, yes, but the experience here in the classroom, how do you bring that experience into the classroom? I think that we have to go beyond, so the teacher is trained in cognitive processes, in that part of how the child learns English. (Interview, Teacher 2)8
Teachers in public
elementary schools find it difficult to define communicative competence and may
not necessarily be aware of its components as they were presented in this
article. However, they are aware of the necessity to teach their students
different aspects of the language in a way that responds to their interests and
needs. This finding coincides with what González (2008) found out in her
own attempt to explore teachers’ beliefs and practices around the notion
of communicative competence.
The adequate
development of students’ interlanguage hinges on both their personal
attitudes and their psycholinguistic skills. The development of those skills
over time could be tied to the learning strategies students apply, whose
effectiveness and recurrence depend on the feedback they receive from their
teachers. For instance, the use of translation could be an indication of the
ability of students to perceive syntactical and semantic nuances in both
languages. But if the teacher decidedly forbids this practice in all instances
of the classroom, then students will feel discouraged to do it, and they will
eventually do it less–at least in the presence of the teacher–and
not as effectively as they could. This is by no means an apologia for the use
of translation in the English classroom. However, in consonance with other
authors (Brown, 2007; O’Malley & Chamot, 1990), we concluded that
teachers should assume the strategies that students apply on their own as
windows that open up into their cognition. From that perspective, teachers will
be better prepared to assess the conditions in which those strategies may favor
self-image regarding their linguistic ego, their view of themselves as foreign
language teachers, and their attitudes toward the language they teach play a
key role in defining what goes on in the classroom. Teachers’ internal
dispositions to teach, nonetheless, do not occur in a vacuum but in relation to
external factors that set the conditions for teaching and learning. Teaching is
shaped by the society in which it occurs. From government authorities, to
school administrative staff, to students’ families, different strands of
society influence the work of teachers.
Cultural tides also
alter the paths of teaching. The status of English as a foreign language is
never neutral; it stems from cultural, historical, political and economic
forces that operate at local and global levels (Crystal, 2003). Some teachers
are critical about how these forces have operated to position English within their
society and how English is used accordingly. This personal attitude towards
English affects their view of themselves as English teachers, and ultimately,
their teaching practice. English teachers in Medellín public schools are
a case in point. As presented in the previous section, some teachers hold a
resistant position toward English whereas others are more receptive to it.
Through the
analysis of these trends, we found that the role that teachers assign to L1 in
the classroom is directly linked to both their personal attitude towards and
their linguistic ego in L2. It is important to bear in mind that teachers in
Colombian public elementary schools often perform multiple teaching functions.
Whether they like it or not, they usually end up teaching English along with
all the other areas of the curriculum. In this context, those teachers who have
a high cultural resistance towards English and a low linguistic ego are more
likely to privilege teaching in the mother tongue and to view it as a
prerequisite to learn English. Furthermore, as a result of this thinking, some
of them may even overlook the teaching of the foreign language altogether. The
class dynamics changes when teachers hold an open and embracing attitude
towards English. In those cases, they tend to view the learning of L1 and L2 as
complementary processes that can take place simultaneously, and, in the face of
personal limitations regarding linguistic knowledge, they are more inclined to
use compensatory teaching strategies to ensure their students’ learning.
linguistic ego, their self-image as English teachers and their beliefs as
regards the status of English in the local culture play a fundamental but often
inadvertent role in EFL teaching. Teachers with a low linguistic ego tend to
shy away from teaching the language skills they lack. As a result, many English
teachers in Colombian public schools may wind up favoring organizational
knowledge over pragmatic knowledge and textual skills over oral skills.
However, out of an admirable sense of moral responsibility, some teachers make
use of compensatory teaching strategies to ensure that their students receive
significant input in aspects of the language in which they are not sufficiently
Teachers’ attitudes
and perceptions concerning English also determine the role they assign to the
native language in their classrooms. Provided that most teachers in Colombian
public elementary schools teach all subjects, those with a resistant attitude
toward and a low linguistic ego in the foreign language tend to see L1 as a
prerequisite to learn L2, and to favor the use of strategies such as
translation. On the contrary, teachers with a responsive attitude and a high
linguistic ego tend to see the learning of both languages as complementary
processes, and to play down the use of translation. In any case, it is
preponderant that EFL teachers learn to observe and validate the strategies
that their students use on their own, as their feedback as teachers affects the
recurrence and effectiveness with which students will use those strategies in
the long haul.
attitude toward English derives not only from their self-image as English
teachers but also from the perception they have of the status of English in their
local culture. Teachers with strong negative feelings toward English may avoid
teaching it, even if they are expected to do so. On the other hand, when
teachers have a positive disposition toward English, they are more prone to
seek and apply teaching strategies that promote language learning, even if they
have a low linguistic ego. Educational authorities and school administrators
should keep these elements in mind when they select and appoint English
teachers for their schools.
Finally, foreign
language teachers’ professional development has the potential to reshape
not only the teachers’ linguistic and pedagogical competences, but also
their self-image in relation to language teaching, and their attitudes with
regard to the language they teach. EFL teachers are not mere technicians who
replicate prescribed curricula or who enact imposed policies, but autonomous
professionals who exercise personal and political agency with varying degrees
of awareness. Hence, in order to be effective, TPD programs should go beyond
sporadic and cosmetic teacher training and consistently prompt teachers to
delve deeper into the social and personal conditions that shape their roles and
identities. Although these programs should most certainly include pedagogical
and linguistic aspects of language teaching, they should also help teachers tap
into the perceptions and beliefs underlying their teaching, particularly those
that affect their linguistic ego, their view of their teaching role, and their
political and personal attitudes toward the foreign languages they teach. Only
through judicious and regular reflection upon such factors can teachers be
enlightened as to the affective underpinnings of their teaching, and only then
can they successfully make the necessary adjustments to improve their practice.
1 According to the Program, by the year 2019 all high
school students should graduate with an English level of B1, and all English
teachers should have an English level of C1 according to the Common European
Framework of Reference (Council of Europe, 2001).
2 “Escuelas de Calidad para la Equidad y la
Convivencia” is a program set up by the Secretary of Education of
Medellín in 2005 to assist public schools located in impoverished
environments that hence face the greatest educational challenges. The
program’s goals include improving the socio-economic conditions of
students, providing adequate learning environments, promoting the integral
professional development of teachers, strengthening secondary education, and
qualifying school administration. So far, 101 schools have been part of the
program, and others were in the process of being incorporated to it.
3 The age range was used as a selection criterion
because by then students have usually developed essential literacy skills in
their native language and should be receiving English instruction at school as
part of the mandates of the General Education Law.
4 “Yo les
dicto la clase a mis muchachos (…) dentro de mis posibilidades, pues
reconozco que no tengo pronunciación ni nada de esas cosas. Yo les
traigo el CD, se los pongo en el televisor, traigo DVD para que aprendan
pronunciación, para que no aprendan tantos errores.”
5 “(…)
desde la posición política me parece que (enseñar
inglés) es seguirle el juego a una potencia que ha hecho con los
países suramericanos subdesarrollados lo que les da la gana [sic],
entonces no me llama la atención el inglés.”
6 “Yo les dije
(a los estudiantes) que si no sabían manejar en la forma más
básica el español, que yo no me iba a meter con el
7 “(…)
le enseñamos a los muchachos a traducir mucho, y eso es un error
gravísimo y fatal.”
8 “Vea,
nosotros hicimos un curso de inglés, pasamos delicioso, nos
reímos increíble (…) hicimos un portafolio y eso fue un
cuento espectacular y terminamos en integración. Fue muy rica,
sí, pero la experiencia aquí en el aula, ¿cómo trae
uno esa experiencia al aula? Yo creo que hay que ir más allá, en
que el docente también se capacite en los procesos cognitivos, en esa
parte de cómo el niño aprende el inglés.”
9 The original interview was conducted in Spanish, but
it has been translated for the purpose of this publication.
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(pp. 19-42). Malden,
MA: Blackwell.
About the Author
José Vicente
Abad holds a B.A. and a specialization in Teaching English
from Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana (Medellín, Colombia) and a MEd
From Saint Mary’s University (USA). He currently works as an English
teacher, teacher educator and researcher at Fundación Universitaria Luis
Amigó (Colombia). His
research interests include evaluation and teachers’ professional
Semi-Structured Interview
for English Teachers9
Fundación Universitaria Luis Amigó
and Psycholinguistic Factors that Favor the Learning of English as a Foreign
Facultad de Psicología y Ciencias
Sociales y Grupo CILEX - Construcciones Investigativas en Lenguas Extranjeras
(School of Psychology and Social Sciences and CILEX Research group -
Construcciones Investigativas en Lenguas Extranjeras)
The purpose of this interview is to find out about the
perceptions and beliefs that English teachers in grades 4, 5 and 6 hold about
communicative competence, native language effect and interlanguage as
pedagogical factors that influence the learning of English.
- What is English for you?
- What is English teaching for
- What does teaching English
- How do
you recognize those students who have an aptitude to learn English and
those who have difficulties in doing it?
- Do you
adapt your teaching in any way based on those differences?
- What
adaptations do you make?
- What
factors favor the learning of English?
- How do
you perceive those factors in your classroom?
- What
factors encumber the learning of English?
- How do
you perceive those factors in your classroom?
- Do you
believe that Spanish is a factor that influences the learning of English?
- Do you
perceive any relation between the contents studied in the Spanish class
and the contents studied in the English class?
- How has
Spanish favored or encumbered your own learning of English?
- How do
you perceive the effect that Spanish has on your students’ learning
of English?
- How do
you perceive the native language effect on your students’
construction of sentences? (e.g. omitting the subject, pluralizing
adjectives, reversing the nounadjective order)
- How do
you perceive your students’ development in using English-specific
grammar structures? (e.g. using auxiliaries in
questions and negative statements)
- How do you perceive the native
language effect on your students’ pronunciation of English? (e.g.
students tend to pronounce every letter they see or to reproduce Spanish
sounds as they read English words)
- How do you perceive the
transition of your students from producing sounds in their native language
to producing English-specific sounds? (e.g. the sound of “th”
in words like “thanks”, or the sound of “sh” in
words like “shoe”)
- How do
you perceive the effect of native language on your students’
appropriation and use of English vocabulary? (e.g. through the use of
false friends or real friends, or the coinage of words using Spanish roots
and English suffixes)
- How do
you perceive your students’ transition in the process of selecting
and using vocabulary in context? (e.g. learning to use the definite
article [the] in English, or learning vocabulary about specific topics
like the family or the human body)
Do you have any final question or comment?
Thank you for your time and willingness to contribute
to this research study.
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