“Buddy System”: A Pedagogical Innovation to Promote Online Interaction
Collaborative learning, collaborative online learning, online interaction (en)“Buddy
System”: A Pedagogical Innovation to Promote Online Interaction
Sistema de amigos: una innovación pedagógica para fomentar la interacción en línea
Martha Isabel Espitia Cruz*
Anna Kwinta**
Universidad de La Sabana, Colombia
This article
was received on June 29, 2012, and accepted on November 15, 2012.
Recent technological development has
created new pedagogical practices in the EFL classroom to maximize the time for
students to use the language by considering online tools. Whilst working in a
pedagogical context with new technologies, some educators were concerned with
how online interaction in EFL content-based classes could be effectively promoted
with university students. It was difficult to design and carry out online
activities that students would find interesting enough to participate in and
interact with their peers and teachers. Thus, this pedagogical innovation shows
how two EFL teachers implemented a peer feedback strategy to foster online
interaction. The outcomes point to new strategies as well as pedagogical
possibilities to motivate students’ interaction when working in online
Key words: Collaborative
learning, collaborative online learning, online interaction.
creciente desarrollo tecnológico ha creado nuevas prácticas
pedagógicas en el aula de clase de inglés como lengua extranjera
para maximizar el tiempo en ambientes virtuales. Por trabajar en un contexto
pedagógico donde se están implementando nuevas tecnologías,
algunos profesores se preocuparon por promover la interacción y
participación en línea de estudiantes universitarios en la clase
inglés. Dado que fue difícil diseñar y llevar a cabo
actividades en línea para que los estudiantes participaran e interactuaran
con sus compañeros y maestros, el artículo expone en qué
consistió la innovación pedagógica que dos profesoras de
inglés implementaron como estrategia de realimentación para
fomentar la interacción en línea. Los resultados reflejan la
necesidad de crear nuevas estrategias y posibilidades pedagógicas para
motivar la interacción de los estudiantes cuando trabajan en entornos
Palabras clave: aprendizaje colaborativo, aprendizaje colaborativo en línea, interacción en línea.
The use of
technology in everyday life activities is becoming more popular and as a
result, technological development has found itself at the core of local and
national policies in countries like Colombia. In Colombia, national and local
governments have made significant efforts to enhance the use of technology for
educational practices with the purpose of enabling all citizens to enroll in
academic programs. As stated by Bonk and Cunningham (1998), “technology
is becoming increasingly interactive and distributed such that individual
learners have available, at rapidly declining cost, the means to participate in
incredibly complex networks of information, resources, and instruction”
(p. 26).
Keeping in mind the
national policies and considering the benefits of implementing technology in
the classroom, the Universidad de La Sabana and its Foreign Languages and
Cultures Department have implemented tools such as Virtual Sabana where forums
allow students and teachers to have asynchronous virtual classes and tutorials.
Unfortunately, in spite of the investment, online interaction has not happened
as was expected by the academic committee of the Languages and Cultures
Department. A concern that has emerged in the abovementioned community centers
around how to foster students’ use and interaction with the tools that
are available in the virtual space Virtual Sabana; especially how students can
take advantage of the forums to participate, interact and enhance their
learning process.
Using technology
outside the EFL classroom as a way to maximize face-to-face classes has been
seen and adapted as a powerful source to foster students’ learning
experiences. According to Curtis and Lawson (2001), “in general, while
learning in online environment, students’ interactions are restricted to
text only messages on screen. This medium of interaction may
inhibit the degree of collaboration that is possible by limiting the extent and
depth of interactions” (p. 24). Making resources available for
students to access at any time, enabling different types of interaction,
providing students with tools to develop self-directed learning skills, and
advancing students’ collaborative learning are some of the valuable
aspects that the use of virtual spaces such as forums and blogs can bring to
the EFL classroom.
This pedagogical
innovation is aimed at encouraging EFL students’ participation in online
forums and their describing how they experienced feedback when interacting in
online environments. The article analyses students’ views on peer
feedback and explores students’ and teachers’ reflections about the
collaborative construction of learning and about the implementation of the
“buddy system” as the way to socialize peer feedback.
Needs Analysis
The leading concern
of this pedagogical innovation was that online interaction did not happen the way teachers and administrators expected. By
considering the mentioned concern, two English teachers who work for the
Languages and Cultures Department decided to create a system that was
implemented for one academic semester (16 weeks). The system was implemented
with the purpose of making students responsible for reviewing and providing
feedback for a classmate as a way of promoting online interaction and
learners’ autonomy. The two teachers who carried out this pedagogical
innovation were in charge of the three elective courses for students who wanted
to take content-based subjects so that they could use and practice English. The
content-based subjects considered for this pedagogical innovation are not part
of the curriculum. As mentioned before, they are elective courses that are
offered for students who, after completing the levels of English that are part
of the curriculum, want to improve and develop more advanced communicative
skills in English. This so called “Buddy System” consisted of
pairing students up so that they knew whose work they had to revise and comment
on. Giving and receiving constructive feedback was part of the evaluation of
the course; students who did not participate in the forums to check their
peer’s participation were not graded and this had a knock-on effect on
their peers’ grades. Therefore, students had an academic obligation that
was part of their evaluation and a moral obligation with their peers. The
implementation of the Buddy System and the analysis of the experience are
described throughout this article.
Other issues that
were considered in the needs analysis were that the type of interaction that
had taken place in the platform did not show evidence of students’
awareness of their learning process and of their possibilities to learn and develop
language skills autonomously. As a result, the two teachers, who were in charge
of the 3 courses where this pedagogical innovation was implemented, decided to
use online environments with the objective of promoting self-directed learning
strategies such as self-evaluation. However, when using online environments a
further issue arose: It was more time consuming and difficult for teachers to
provide feedback due to the amount of students participating in the online
activities and to the number of posts students were sharing, thus, the strategy
of peer feedback was implemented.
Promoting online
interaction in an EFL content-based course is challenging for teachers if we
consider aspects such as students’ and teachers’ beliefs about the
use of online forums and the time spent in class. When planning this
pedagogical innovation, possible drawbacks were considered. This was done with
the intention of foreseeing potential problems so that the teachers were
prepared for all situations. The drawbacks are explained by Jochems, Kirschner
and Kreijns (2002), who talk about pitfalls when interacting in online
The first pitfall is the tendency to assume that social interaction will occur just because the environment makes it possible. The second pitfall is the tendency to forget the social / social-psychological dimension of social interaction that is salient in various levels of non-task contexts (i.e., off-task interactions). Social interaction encompasses all interactivity between group members, including casual conversations and task-oriented discussions. (p. 9)
The pitfalls
considered by the authors just mentioned were considered and as a result some
actions such as including peer feedback in the evaluation of the course and
assigning a buddy were planned.
As stated by
Herrington, Oliver, and Reeves (2003), “unfortunately, the reality of
online collaborative learning is discouraging” (p. 12). The
discouragement mentioned by the authors refers to aspects such as online forums
being mostly used as a tool for online distance courses where participants do
not share a physical space to interact; in other words, forums have been
implemented as a way to provide students and teachers with a space to interact
when they do not have one. Another aspect of discouragement is that in the case
of face-to-face classes where students and teachers go to the same classroom,
they do not need a virtual space to interact because they have the classroom
and in this way spaces like forums might seem unnecessary. As a result, this
report considered how the population under study failed to interact using
online forums because they could ask, comment, participate or make proposals,
among other things, in the classroom and, consequently, they could have swifter
and more practical answers. Considering these aspects, the two teachers who
conducted this study made an effort to let students know that the online
classes and forums were an extension of the face-to-face classes and that the
purpose of using them was to maximize in-class discussions, debates and topics.
Similarly, another
potential problem considered before the implementation was how students
expressed their difficulty to comment on and grade another student’s
work. So, the materials were closely linked to in-class sessions and were aimed
at reinforcing the knowledge on a given topic. The resources used for peer
feedback were designed to enhance student’s own learning through revising
the task’s requirements and criteria and, thus, having to re-analyze
their own work. Having a clear list of criteria, students could feel confident
and sufficiently equipped to take on the role of a reviewer and provide
appropriate feedback or critique their peers’ work. This clarity of
objectives would allow them to understand the feedback provided by their online
partner, or as we called her/him, ‘buddy.’
Likewise, authors
like Curtis and Lawson (2001) explain why interaction in online environments
can bring drawbacks:
Online interactions lack the non-verbal cues that are a component of face-to-face contact, and this reduces the extent of the communication that occurs. Much online conversation occurs asynchronously, with substantial delays in receiving a reply. This may have both advantages and disadvantages for the participants. (p. 22)
This pedagogical
innovation intended to consider the pitfalls shown and take advantage of the
valuable aspects that working with technology can provide for EFL students.
Setting and Participants
The study took
place in the foreign languages and cultures department of a private university
near Bogotá, Colombia. The population under study was a group of
advanced EFL learners who enrolled in three elective courses with the intention
of improving their communicative abilities in the foreign language through the
study of content rather than language systems. The courses that were available
for students dealt with topics about intercultural studies and strategies to
improve their oral communicative competence when interacting with people from
different cultures. These courses required four hours per week over sixteen
weeks; the weekly four hours were divided into three hours of face-to-face
classes with the fourth hour an asynchronous virtual learning space.
The intention of
the virtual hour was to maximize the time in face-to-face classes by giving
students the opportunity to discuss and explore the topics without the time
boundaries we have in face-to-face classes. It was essential to keep those
online sessions appealing to students and ensure they would participate to
improve their class performance and to broaden their knowledge on a given topic
through interaction with other students.
The virtual
sessions and their tasks were also designed to develop a variety of academic
and study skills, such as research, analytical and communication skills as well
as awareness of academic development and evaluation processes. Some of the
online activities involved researching a given topic and sharing the findings in
a forum; others were focused on analyzing materials provided in the online
session (articles, videos, etc.) and producing tasks based on the analyzed
material as well as in-class input and discussions. Similarly, the students had
to participate in a reflective blog describing what they had learned during the
term. The blog was a way for the participants to revise the knowledge gained in
class and through online interactions; it was also a way of selecting the
information that they found most appropriate and useful for them. Overall,
students had specific tasks for the online sessions and they had to use forums
in Virtual Sabana to participate, contribute and share ideas, questions or
suggestions. Furthermore, students created their own blogs to share their final
tasks and products.
Theoretical Considerations
The implementation
of this pedagogical innovation considered constructs that were drawn from a
socio-cultural approach to learning. This theoretical framework was built with
the purpose of framing the innovation and making it coherent in terms of
evaluation and type of activities.
It is important to
understand how the sociocultural approach of learning emerged. Back in the
50’s Bruner (1957) introduced a cognitive theory where he used the
‘word scaffold’ to describe young children’s oral language
acquisition. Bruner stated that a child acquires a language through scaffolds
that allow her/ him to go step by step from easy to more complex stages. Also,
Bruner (1957) and Piaget (1929) wrote about cognitive constructivism, a theory
that states that learning a language is possible due to an inner capacity that
human beings have. Until that moment, theoreticians had considered only
cognitive aspects to explain the language acquisition and learning processes.
It was not until
Vigotsky (1986) and his concept of the zone of proximal development (ZPD) that context
was considered as an important factor when learning a language. Later, social
constructivism relied on Vygotsky’s concept of ZPD and it was there when
learning was understood based on the connection with the sociocultural context
in which the learner is immersed. Vygotsky, as cited by Bonk and Cunningham
(1998), “stated how individual mental functioning is inherently situated
is social interactional, cultural, institutional, and historical contexts. Therefore,
to understand human thinking and learning, one must examine the context and
setting in which that thinking and learning occurs” (p. 35). According to
the authors, the cognitive functioning does not take place in isolation;
rather, each individual is immersed in a context that determines ways of
behaving and interacting and at the same time ways of learning.
language learning by considering the context and the individual’s mind
was the first step that theoreticians took in the process of approaching
language learning. The initial constructivism evolved and social constructivism
came about. According to Bonk and Cunningham (1998), social constructivism
views learning as a “connection with an appropriation from the
socio-cultural context within which we are all immersed” (p. 32). This is
the framework this pedagogical innovation considered in order to design the
activities and the peer feedback system. Based on the needs analysis, it was
imperative to consider an approach that takes into account the current context
of students to motivate them and to implement tools that students could use in
their interaction in online environments.
Within this
framework culture and context are relevant factors that mediate learning. The
intention in this pedagogical experience was to create a community of learning
where students could learn from their peers and where each member of the
community could have a real role and responsibility to contribute to the
community. In agreement with Tirado and Martínez (2010), the expression
learning communities describes that community where individual learning
activities are incorporated in a collective effort to understand and gain the
target knowledge.
At this point, it
is important to understand that the concept of learning communities comes from
the “communities of practice” coined by Wegner (1998). In
communities of practice and learning the participation of the members is
fundamental. Wegner (1998) states that “participation refers not just to
local events of engagement in certain activities with certain people, but [the]
more encompassing process of being active participants in the practice of
social communities and constructing identities in relation to these
communities” (p. 4). This description is precisely what this pedagogical
innovation aimed at: The purpose was to actively engaged students so that they
could participate and collaborate in the collaborative construction of
In this pedagogical
innovation, learning is
[...] thus not only participation in discourse communities, but is also the process by which people become members of discourse communities, resist the membership in such communities, are marginalized from discourse communities, or make new ones. Such membership shapes opportunities to learn, and, ultimately, learning. (Moje & Lewis, 2007, p. 20)
The pedagogical
proposal shared in this article intended to promote membership as an
opportunity to learn and collaborate with others’ learning as well.
learning was a further construct that was considered when planning the
innovation. Hine and Rodríguez (2009) explain and show evidence of how
“collaborative learning fosters individual accountability in a context of
group interdependence in which students discover information and teach that
material to their group and, perhaps, to the class as a whole” (p. 120).
The students in the courses under study met for three weekly hours that placed
time restrictions on teachers’ ability to work in depth on discussions
and debates or to share and comment on students’ pieces of writing. This
concept of collaboration where learning was considered when planning the
implementation was adapted to the online environment students had to use.
Taking the core
concepts of collaborative learning and constructivism when working with online
environments has generated proposals like the one made by Siemens (2004). The
author suggests the ‘connectivism theory’ where knowledge is
suggested to be not only in the human being but also in other sources like
technology. Thus, Siemens suggests maintaining connections to ease learning
processes. Technology becomes essential in this process. Having in mind the
principles of this theory, the purpose of this innovation was to provide
students with the necessary tool so that they could establish the necessary
connections in an online collaborative learning environment to foster and
motivate language learning.
Technology is part
of our reality and has been deployed in many different aspects of life.
Learning is no exception. The tools offered by recent electronic communication
devices allow users to communicate regardless of distance or time and to access
and publish information. The possibilities for learning with technology are
wide-ranging due to the variety of resources available but the tools do not
have to be used just because they are available; it is imperative for teachers
and researchers to investigate and report on the pedagogical ways to implement
technology in the classroom, especially when distance is not an issue. In this
sense, Cummins (2008) suggests that
[...] an additional reason why convincing research evidence for the impact of technology on achievement is lacking is that the power of technology is very much under-utilized when it is harnessed only to transmission-oriented pedagogy and thus large effects are unlikely to be observed. (p. 66)
Technology cannot
be used as a trendy methodology; to really utilize the resources, research
needs to be done.
The pedagogical
innovation shared in this article is based on the assumption that learning is
socially mediated and constructed and that technology offers a considerable
amount of resources that need to be taken into consideration. As stated by
Jochems, Kirschner, and Kreijns (2002), “social interaction is important
for establishing a social space in which a structure can be found that
encompasses social relationships, group cohesion, trust and belonging, all of
which contribute to open communication, critical thinking, supportive
interaction, and social negotiation” (p. 10). In this innovation the
buddy system, the virtual space Virtual Sabana and resources such as forums and
blogs were combined to guarantee a social space that was not limited to the
classroom time and space and in that way to promote and maintain social
interaction beyond the class.
Also, it is
important to consider that the activities included as part of the innovation
were constructed within the same parameters; social constructivism and the
connectivism theory were the basis for the type of activities offered to the
students. All of them aimed at collaborating and motivating students to improve
their language knowledge. Warschauer (1995) stated how “the most potent
collaborative activities involve not just finding and using information, but rather
actively making use of technology to construct new knowledge together”
(p. 17). The innovation and its activities responded to the intention of
implementing technology and promoting social collaboration as a way of
The Pedagogical Innovation
Based on the
initial concerns–the assumptions and potential problems—and after
integrating some theory, this pedagogical innovation was designed and
implemented. The target population was three content-based elective courses
which shared as a common goal and interest the importance of intercultural
studies when learning a foreign language. There was another common goal that
was the intention of the program and the teachers: to promote autonomy and
self-direction to learn the target language.
The Project
Although the three
courses that are part of the innovation shared the common goals of (1) the
study and reflection of intercultural issues when studying English as a foreign
language, and (2) the implementation of tools to promote autonomy and
self-direction, the content of each course differs. Thus the two teachers in
charge analyzed and identified appropriate topics by considering the common
goals. As a result, three topics were suggested: the importance of non-verbal
communication when interacting with people from different countries, looking
and preparing for employment abroad and the importance of festivities and
holidays as part of culture and identity. These three common topics allowed
students and teachers to accomplish the objectives of the common goals and to
establish a clear relation with the specific contents of each subject.
The three topics
mentioned in the previous paragraph were the core of the course project, which
was the same for all three courses. Each topic was developed through the implementation
of weekly collaborative tasks that established the steps to follow to
accomplish a more comprehensive final task.
As previously
mentioned, the courses consisted of three face-to-face instruction hours and
one virtual. The face-to-face hours were planned to work on the specific
contents of each subject and the asynchronous online hour was the scenario to
carry out the project. In Figure 1 the planner of the
activities for the virtual hour and their relation is shown. Each week students
had one topic and collaborative activities aimed at a collaborative goal for
each term.
The Buddy
Since the intention
of the asynchronous online session was to implement collaborative tasks, the
teachers in charge decided to implement the “Buddy System”. The
idea of promoting online interaction through the “Buddy System” was
based on the assumption that students could work well and benefit from using
virtual environments effectively without having to meet in person. Teachers
wanted to give students the possibility to interact with other students who
were taking subjects related to intercultural studies. So, the teachers chose
to combine three content-based courses that aimed at developing students’
language and communication skills through the study of intercultural issues in
creating an online project that would allow those students to
‘meet’ virtually, interact, and perhaps exchange ideas and
different perspectives on a variety of topics.
Initially, students
were working in pairs in what we called a ‘buddy system’; an idea
based on the assumption that ‘buddies’ could support each other
rather than compete, as they were not classmates. This experience also enabled
students to access the ideas, knowledge and materials shared in another course
that was part of the project and that, in turn, would have enriched their work
and further developed their knowledge on the subject. The ‘buddy
lists’ were essentially lists of pairs of students who did not attend the
same classes and therefore had to participate in online forums in order to
provide and receive feedback.
Taking into
consideration that the online project’s main aims were to raise awareness
of the importance of intercultural issues when learning English as a foreign
language, and to develop students’ autonomy as learners and to equip them
with tools that would be appropriate for self- and peer-evaluation, the role of
the teacher in the online interaction was in some ways limited to providing
guidance, final evaluation and feedback.
However, and
according to the answers gathered in a questionnaire that was applied (see Appendix B), what became an essential tool for students was
the ability to provide appropriate feedback and hence was the teachers’
main focus in terms of preparing students for the project. It was crucial for
students to grasp the idea of providing constructive criticism; they had to
learn about the importance of giving an explanation for each negative remark
and, more importantly, suggestions and ideas on how their work could be further
developed and improved.
Establishing and
explaining criteria for evaluation was another vital part of this process and
clear instructions on how to provide feedback and what each criterion meant
were stressed both in class as well as in the online forums. It was also necessary
to add that each week, apart from the online project forum, where the students
would upload their tasks, there was also a help forum for students to post
specific questions regarding the task. The platform was established to provide
online support to students. This tool, however, did not prove to be very
popular with the project’s participants and they much preferred
contacting the teacher via email to ask for additional help. Based on the
answers provided by the students in the mentioned questionnaire, this choice
could have been due to the fact that the tool was not sufficiently promoted in
class and therefore students turned to their preferred way of communicating.
At the very heart
of the online project was the principle that once students learned how to
evaluate their own and their peers’ work, they could become more
independent and therefore better learners. Their role consisted mainly of
firstly, completing their own assignment and uploading it on a forum on time in
order to allow their ‘buddy’ to evaluate the work based on the
criteria established by the teacher; and secondly, of checking and evaluating
their partner’s work and providing suggestions on how the assignment
could be improved. This is where the idea of constructive criticism, often
emphasized during the in class sessions, became essential to establishing
meaningful and useful online interactions.
Setting up this
project meant that students could benefit from the knowledge gained in class
and further develop their skills outside the classroom whenever it was
convenient to them. Naturally, there was concern that not setting students
particular time for the online session would result in their not completing the
work on time, especially in the case of less disciplined participants who have
not fully developed their time management skills. This issue was addressed by
establishing a time limit or a deadline for each task, allowing the students to
select the most convenient time to complete set work, as well as limiting time
for online peer feedback. Students’ online interaction affected their
grade and the ability of the partner to complete their work. For instance, if
participant A did not complete the work by the deadline, it meant participant B
(Buddy) was not able to fulfill all the requirement of a given task, as they
could not provide feedback on a non-existent assignment. Taking into account
the data gathered in the questionnaire applied, we believed that this would be
a motivational factor for students to complete their work on time, so as not to
be responsible for their partner’s failure to complete the task.
Tasks were
essentially collaborative. The main focus and purpose of introducing the online
collaboration platforms were to enable students to maximize their learning
experience by providing additional space for developing skills and knowledge
gained in class as well as to help students to develop autonomous learning
strategies. This methodology is in accordance with the philosophy of
Universidad de La Sabana, where there is currently a strong emphasis on
developing these crucial academic skills.
Having to provide a
critique of peers’ work would certainly increase students’
analytical and evaluative skills as well as enhance their ability to manage their
time due to specific time constraints for submitting their own work and
evaluation of peer’s assignment. This section explains some of the tasks
that were planned for students.
• Employment
in Canada: In this task students had to
look for a job ad for them and justify in a paragraph why they chose that job
and in the particular country. Also, they had to talk about the documents
(visas, etc.) they need to have for this job application. They posted the
document with the information required and their peer had to revise if the
activity was well done and adhered to the requirements stated.
• A
successful CV: This was another collaborative
task where students chose what they considered to be the essential elements
that every successful CV should have. They made a list with annotations
containing additional tips about every section of the CV. They justified the
chosen tips and created their CV. They posted the document with the information
required and their peer had to revise if the activity was well done and adhered
to the requirements stated.
• Personal
Blog: Students created a personal Blog where they included their CV and the
criteria for a successful CV. They posted the link of the blog with the
information required and their peer had to revise if the activity was well
done. In one of the classes the teacher had to adjust the activity because
students asked to have another topic for their blog. Students wanted to write a
more academic article so the teacher asked them to choose one of the topics
discussed in class and then write a problem-solving essay. They posted the link
of the blog with the information required and their peer had to evaluate the
Member Roles
Initially, the idea
was to establish interaction between students of all three courses in open
forums. Nevertheless, there was a concern, based on previous experience with
using online forums, that the students would not participate regularly and that
the criteria for evaluating each other’s work would be difficult to
As a result, we
decided that putting students into pairs, or ‘buddies’, especially
when pairing them up with students from a different group, would benefit them
much more. The idea was to avoid having students from the same group working
together online, as we feared that providing criticism of each other’s
work would cause friction and affect the face-to-face interactions in class. In
the first term, this proved to be effective to some extent, as the students
were still learning how to evaluate their own and others’ work.
In the second term,
and after the experience of the first one, which included late submissions and
insufficient feedback, students realized that their lack of commitment could
affect their performance and most importantly their peers’ performance.
When students commented on their responsibility with their classmates, teachers
decided that students were sufficiently prepared to interact with the members
of the same group, hoping that having students from the same group interact
among them would also increase the quality and quantity of the feedback.
Additionally, it was much easier for students to meet deadlines, as the newly
established pairs would constantly remind each other of the upcoming deadlines.
In the last term,
the emphasis was put on in-class interaction due to the nature of the given
task. Students were still working in pairs; however, this time the peer
feedback or critique did not take place until the very end of the project. It
was conducted in class. The interaction amongst students was still a crucial
part of the project at that stage, but the evaluation was not the main focus.
Students interacted with each other to create a presentation, a form of an
advertising campaign, which required a lot of online communication (mainly due
to lack of time in class) and therefore the aim of the project was still being
achieved by encouraging students to organize, plan and develop set tasks as a
team. This required using all the skills they had previously been taught in
Initially, feedback
was intended to be concise and straightforward. Formats were designed by the
teachers to provide students with tools such as checklists (see Appendix
A) with the intention of specifying the criteria for evaluation so that
students could focus on the content of their peers’ tasks by looking at
specific aspects. It was clearly stated in the forums that not meeting any of
the criteria according to a peer would have to be followed by detailed comments
and suggestions on how to further develop the work and in this way the teachers
wanted to guarantee that students would be sure about the comments they
provided and those they got in return. Also, there was a separate grade for
providing feedback and it comprised five percent of students’ term grade,
a guideline which proved to play a role in motivating the students to
participate in the forums.
According to the
aims of the project, the main source of feedback should have been peers.
However, peer feedback was restricted to the criteria included in the
evaluation form and students were asked to post additional comments only if
their ‘buddy’ did not meet some of the criteria. Teachers’
feedback consisted mainly of face-to-face interaction, where the student would
receive a hard copy of the evaluation sheet with additional and much more
detailed comments about their work, as well as a grade.
Although initially
the idea was for teachers to also participate in the online forums, we
concluded that it would have potentially affected students’ interaction
amongst each other and defeated the purpose of their becoming independent
learners. Therefore, teachers’ participation was sporadic and occurred
only when there was lack of communication between students or a genuine problem
with the task.
For the purpose of
the online project, the most effective way for students to evaluate each
other’s work was to use a clear and concise format that would allow them
to reflect upon their own work through reconsidering the task’s criteria.
The checklist format seemed the most appropriate. It was time-effective and
considerably less complex than open questions about a peer’s work. The
criteria mentioned in the checklist matched the task’s instructions (also
provided in a straightforward, step-by-step format), which were explained in
class as well as being available in the online forum.
It was encouraging
to view the results of an online questionnaire (see Appendix B)
given to students. We found that the assumptions regarding the benefits and the
potential challenges linked to the development of the online project matched
the comments sent by the course participants. It was extremely important for
the sessions to be closely linked to the online project in order to enable
students to work independently on the topic and gain more knowledge on the
subject whilst developing academic skills. According to the answers in the
survey, most of the students agreed that this purpose was achieved and added
that all the online sessions were an extension of the in-class sessions. They
helped them understand the topic better and in many ways complemented the
lessons. Students added that there was always sufficient time to complete those
tasks and, furthermore, this was one of the important aspects to be considered
in creating the task.
Another important
point to add is that the sessions helped the students prepare for their exams,
allowed them to focus and explore topics that were relevant and useful to them
(i.e. CV writing) as well as expanded their vocabulary. Presentations were
chosen as the most useful activity; blogs, reflective papers and mind maps were
also mentioned. It seems that providing a wide variety of tasks has worked well
and each student was able to benefit from the sessions and find activities
suitable for their needs.
In terms of
suggested improvements to the online session content, students wanted to see
the instructions for the online sessions in the form of a presentation. They
also thought that introducing online debates might be a good idea. One of the
students suggested that keeping very strict deadlines on each task would help
to motivate the participants to upload their contributions on time. Upon
reflection, teachers have realized that re-opening forums in order to allow
students who were unable to participate when the assignment was active
ultimately led to other students assuming that they would have an opportunity
to upload missing work at a later time. This made them prioritize other
academic commitments over their online project and affected their motivation.
Students also
suggested strengthening the links between the in class and online sessions by
engaging in a discussion about the task before it is assigned. This did take
place to some extent; however, it was usually after the task was posted online,
which meant there was not much room for introducing changes to the assignments.
Students also thought it would be interesting to mix the topic covered in class
with a free topic to allow for more creativity. We believe that this would
benefit the students to a great extent as long as the criteria for each task
remain clear.
All the students
who took part in the survey agreed that the questions included in the feedback
checklists allowed them to better understand the criteria of each task and
evaluate their ‘buddy’s’ contributions in a more objective
manner. They mentioned that the ‘step-by-step’ instructions and the
checklist criteria enabled them to understand the purpose and the expected
outcome of the session and that the system made peer and self-evaluation
easier. As we had hoped, the feedback provided by peers was easily understood
by the students and was useful in terms of re-evaluating the work.
Students liked the
fact that their ‘buddy’ was patient, not strict at all, yet helpful
in terms of having someone look over their work before it and they were graded
by the teacher. Nevertheless, we worried that if some students had been
completely objective in their judgment, it would have
affected their ‘buddy’s’ grade and therefore have been an
admission to being too lenient in terms of evaluating their peers’
ability to meet all the criteria. As we had anticipated, this system enabled
students to gain a different perspective on their work and that proved to be
very beneficial to them.
Pedagogical Implications
Technology has
become a useful, meaningful, and therefore important tool in educational
contexts. This is why many researchers, not only in Colombia but also around
the world, have been encouraged to analyze the use of ICTs within educational
contexts. Important journals such as TESOL or TESOL Quarterly have
published important articles that in a practical way give accounts of the use
and influence of technology in educational settings. Authors like Kern (2006)
and Cummins (2008) have reflected upon technology and its use in a context like
the United States and the findings of their studies have suggested teachers
should take actions to use technology in the classroom due to its potential
benefits. Thus, in a context as Colombia, research in the area of the use of
ICTs in education can be done by considering studies and practices that local
and international researchers have explored.
The comments made
by students and the reflection of the teachers in charge of this innovation
suggest new strategies and pedagogical considerations to motivate
students’ interaction when working in online environments. By giving
students an academic and a social responsibility, students participated more
and were more motivated because they felt what they could say was important.
Collaboration and
participation are two factors that allowed students to recognize and use their
academic voices, especially when commenting on their classmates’ pieces
of work. The recognition and use of their own voice enrich the academic experiences
due to the fact that they help students avoid passivity. The role of teacher in
this part is to enhance the production and socialization of individual ideas
and contributions. According to Shor (1992), “Students are people whose
voices are worth listening to, whose minds can carry the weight of serious
intellectual work, whose thought and feeling can entertain transforming self
and society” (p. 26). When encouraged to use her/his own voice the
student becomes self-confident and, consequently, it is going to be easier for
him/ her to share and recognize his/her valuable ideas and thoughts. We hope
that peer feedback will become a source of information and inspiration for
teachers who are dealing with similar contexts in the EFL classrooms.
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About the Authors
Martha Isabel
Espitia Cruz has studied and worked in
Colombia. She holds an M.A. in Applied Linguistics from Universidad Distrital
Francisco José de Caldas and an undergraduate degree from Universidad
Pedagógica Nacional. Currently working at Universidad de La Sabana, her
research interests include the use of ICTs in EFL learning and teaching and the
professional development of language teachers.
Anna Kwinta
holds an MA in English Philology and
Teaching Specialization and has been the head of the methodology section of
students’ society ‘Lingo’ at Opole University in Poland. She
also holds a Celta qualification from Hammersmith College in London. She is currently
working at Universidad de La Sabana (Colombia).
Appendix A: Reflective Paper (Blog) Checklist
Create a blog reflecting what you have learned about the importance of non-verbal communication in modern day society. Peer’s name: _______________________________ Date: _____________ Answer the following questions based on the information your peer included in the BLOG. Put a tick in the YES box if the BLOG includes the item or NO if it does not.
Has your ‘Buddy’…
Reviewer’s name: _____________________________________________
Based on the comments made by your reviewer and the information in this checklist, add the missing information to the forum.
Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Facultad de Ciencias Humanas, Departamento de Lenguas Extranjeras
Appendix B: Project Questionnaire
Dear student, the purpose of this questionnaire is to gather information about your experience in completing the online activities. The main objective is to get honest answers that will allow us to analyze your experience and improve the course in the future. Choose one answer for each one of the statements.
1. Did you feel that the Online Project was appropriately linked to the in class sessions? Yes ____ No ____ Why? ___________________________________________________________________________
2. Did the activities help you to reinforce the knowledge gained in the course (e.g. body language, looking for employment, etc.)? Yes ____ No ____ Why? ___________________________________________________________________________
3. Were the questions included in the checklists for online activities helpful in understanding the criteria in each task? Yes ____ No ____ Why? ___________________________________________________________________________
4. Did the checklists enable you to objectively evaluate your ‘buddy’s’ work? Yes ____ No ____
5. Was it easy to understand your peer’s evaluation of your work? Yes ____ No ____
6. Which of the online activities did you find most useful and why? Choose one.
Mind maps
Reflective Papers
7. How would you improve the online activities to make them more appealing?
8. What did you find useful about the ‘buddy’ feedback in your online sessions?
9. What would you improve?
10. What type of comments did you write?
Why? ___________________________________________________________________________
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