La crítica al Prejuicio de pureza cristalina
Criticism of the Crystalline Purity Prejudice
Palabras clave:
Wittgenstein, Actitud teórica, Dísolver, Investigaciones, Prejuicio de pureza cristalina, Resolver, Tractatus (es)Wittgenstein, Theoretical attitude, Dissolving, Investigations, Prejudice of crystalline purity, Resolving, Tractatus (en)
It may be said at a first glance that Wittgenstein's purpose in the Tractatus is the same as his purpose in the Investigations, namely dissolving philosophical problems. Nevertheless, the methods used in each of those texts to put an end to such problems are very different. In this article it will be shown that the Investigation's critique to the method of the Tractatus consists in; in order to do that it will be necessary to show that the posterior Wittgenstein refers to the pictiorial theory of the Tractatus with the expression 'prejudice of crystalline purity'.
Fogelin, R. "The critique of the Tractatus". En: Fogelin, Robert. Wittgenstein. Londres: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1987. 95-127.
McGinne, M. "Wittgenstein's Critique of Augustin". En: McGuinne, Marie. Routledge Philosophy Guidebook to Wittgenstein and the Philosophical Investigations, London and N.Y: Routledge, 1997. 33-72.
Mounce, H.O. Introducci´ón al Tractatus de Wittgenstein (tr. José Mayoral & Pedro Vicente). Madrid: Tecnos, 1993.
Wittgenstein, L. Tractus logico-philosophicus (tr. Jacobo Muñoz & Isidoro Reguera). Madrid: Alianza, 1994.
Wittgenstein, L. Investigaciones Filosóficas (tr. Alfonso García Suárez & Ulises Moulines), Barcelona: Crítica, 1988.