Dios y fuego en la filosofía de Heráclito
God and fire in Heraclitus' Philosophy
Heráclito, fuego, Dios, cosmología. (es)Downloads
The main objective of this essay is to raise the question about the possibility of an identification between fire and god within Heraclitus' philosophy, as well as to study the consequences that such identification would bring to the heraclitean conception of both. To do that, I will show, in the first place, what could be understood as fire within Heraclitus' cosmology. In the second place, I will suggest a possible way to understand and justify the explicit but troublesome identification between fire and god. In the third place, I would like to evaluate the possibility and justification of such identification by facing the consequences it would bring to the conception of god and its characterization, based upon what was said about fire in the first part.
Marcovich, M. (1968). Heraclitus, editio minor. Mérida: Talleres Gráficos Universitarios.
Mondolfo, R. (1998). Heráclito: Textos y problemas de su interpretación. México: Siglo Veintiuno Editores.