El absolutismo del Leviatán
Leviathan’s Absolutism
Absolutismo, Conatus, Legitimidad, Leviatán, Oposición, Soberano (es)Absolutism, Conatus, Legitimacy, Leviathan, Opposition, Sovereign (en)
The aim of this text is to expose the imminent absolutism in Hobbes’ proposal of State and the impossibility of a rightful insurrection against the Leviathan. Some people think that, within the political Hobbesian theory, the State becomes illicit when it doesn’t seek the citizens’ safety, so the uprising against this State is completely legitimate if it is for the sake of “a fairer Government with the populate”. After exposing how the Leviathan is consolidated and after showing that every opposite opinion to the sovereign’s opinion is illegitimate, it is evident that any kind of opposition and uprising is not legitimate.
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