El pensar socrático y las distinciones morales: sobre la relación entre el pensamiento y el juicio en Hannah Arendt
The Socratic Thought and Moral distinctions: On the Relation Between Thought and Judgment in Hannah Arendt
Sócrates, Asombro, Diálogo dos-en-uno, Distinciones morales , Juicio (es)Socrates, Astonishment, Self's two-in-one dialogue, Moral distinctions , Judgment (en)
Taking into account Arendt’s reflections on Socratic thought as well as on the collapse of all traditional notions of morality during Nazi Germany, this paper seeks to explain the way in which thought could be the kind of activity wherefrom good and evil may be recognized and distinguished. Particularly, the author’s annotations on the ability to judge and its relation to thought will play an important argumentative role.
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