About the Journal

The goal of the Forum Journal is to present its readers with previously unpublished articles, both in Spanish and English, showing research results in political science, law, international relations and other disciplines related with the local and national political reality. The journal aims to articulate the academic debate with diverse social and political problems and dynamics.The Forum journal is aimed at academics interested in empirical and theoretical studies of political sciences, law, international relations and other disciplines related. Forum was founded in 2011 by the Political Science Department of the Faculty of Human and Economic Sciences at the Universidad Nacional de Colombia (Sede Medellín). Its publication is bi-annual (January-June and July-December). Neither authors nor readers have charge for posting or accessing our publication.

Current Issue

No. 25 (2024): Challenges and Opportunities of the Aging Society. A Long Debate between the Political, the Social and the State

Imagen de Raymundo Lopez por Pixabay

Los trabajos presentados en este dossier han sido de índole interdisciplinaria y han abarcado muchos de los ángulos de las problemáticas y desafíos de la sociedad de envejecimiento: solidaridad intergeneracional, roles de género, papel de las familias, la cuestión de las pensiones y jubilaciones, formas y estilos de envejecer, el impacto del Covid-19 y el diseño de las políticas públicas, entre otros temas.

Published: 2024-01-01

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