Call for Papers Special Issue 2024: Business Financial Decisions in Emerging Countries


INNOVAR Journal is pleased to invite its academic community to participate in a new call for papers for a special monographic issue to be published in October 2024.

This new thematic call is entitled 'Business Financial Decisions in Emerging Countries'. We are joined as guest editors by Ph. D. María Isabel Abínzano Guillen, from the Public University of Navarra, Spain; Ph. D. Zuray Melgarejo, Ph. D. Mary Analí Vera-Colina and Ph. D. (c) Paula Andrea Navarro Pérez, from the National University of Colombia; as well as Ph. D. Lucas Ayres Barreira de Campos Barros, from the University of São Paulo, Brazil.

This special issue calls for academic papers resulting from research with diverse methodological and epistemological perspectives that address issues related to corporate finance decision-making, both from traditional and recent and innovative perspectives. Therefore, some topics of interest are men-tioned below, although similar subjects can also be considered:

• Investment decisions.
• Financing decisions.
• Dividend policy.
• Decisions on treasury and working cap-ital.
• Project financial assessment.
• Financial risk management.
• Financial strategy and decisions.
• Finance and corporate social responsi-bility, green finance, social finance, shared value.
• Financial decisions and business size.
• Corporate financial decisions amid the pandemic.
• Financial decision-making and business or management profile (gender, educa-tional level, ethnicity, managerial level, others).

Accepted languages for submission: Spanish, Portuguese, and English.

Submission guidelines

Submissions should meet all the criteria in terms of structure, extension, citation, and biblio-graphic standards established by INNOVAR Journal in its guidelines for authors:

Guest Editors will select a limited number of articles for publication in this special issue.

Important dates

Call for submissions: February 2023.
Deadline for submissions: November 1, 2023
Publication: Volume 34, Issue 94, October-December 2024

Véase aquí la convocatoria completa en español.

Click here to see the call of papers in english.

Veja aquí a chamada completa em português.