About the Journal

Focus and Scope

The Revista Colombiana de Química - Colombian Journal of Chemistry (Rev. Colomb. Quim.) Is a peer-reviewed scientific journal of the Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Sciences of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá. It currently publishes three volumes per year: January-April, May-August and September-December. All the content published by the Journal (available online) is under a Creative Commons attribution license type BY 4.0, that allows any person or entity in the world to freely access the content, share it, download it, adapt it or make derivative works without any restriction, provided that it adequately indicates the credit to the authors and to the Colombian Journal of Chemistry.

The Colombian Journal of Chemistry is indexed in the databases SCOPUS, PUBLINDEX, DOAJ, SCIELO, LATINDEX, REDALYC and REDIB. It has a Scientific and Editorial Committee composed of renowned researchers in their areas of expertise and accepts relevant contributions in the different fields of chemistry such as: analytical chemistry, biochemistry, organic, physical chemistry, food chemistry, inorganic, materials science, organometallic, chemistry teaching, among others. The target audience are professionals related to any area of chemistry.

Peer Review Process

Manuscripts submitted to the Revista Colombiana de Química for publication must be unpublished (they must not be subject to any other printed or digital journal). The authors are responsible for the opinions and ideas declared in the article. The presicion of the manuscript information, including figures and tables, is full responsibility of the authors.

During sending process of the article, authors must attach an authorship letter (format is available here). In that format it should be related at least three potential evaluators with their respective data.

Only after the editorial board verify that article follows the required format set out in the guide for authors and its content is appropriate for publication, it is sent to peer review according to the research topic (items that are not in accordance with the journal theme or style will be returned without being evaluated). The manuscript is sent at least two external researches (the number of evaluators can be different for each article, depending on the research field).

Then, the article gets in an evaluation stage that can be extended up to two months, depending on the time of evaluation acceptance. Evaluators have up to twenty (20) days to submit your concept (in some cases, depending on the evaluator availability, this time extends up to one (1) month).

Double-blind peer review

To ensure quality, reliability and integrity of evaluation, Revista Colombiana de Química uses a double-blind peer review. This modality consists of maintaining anonymity of both, the authors and reviewers, throughout the editorial process.

Moreover, precise instructions evaluation are sent to each evaluator, containing the aspects to be evaluated (can be found at here). The evaluator decides to annotate within the article.

Publishing process

After receiving the evaluations (minimum two concepts), the editorial committee send decision to the correspondence author. Based on the reviewer’s concepts, the editor may decide:

  • To accept with minimal changes: Authors should submit a new version to the journal. When the editor verifies that changes were made (the authors must submit a detailed list of changes made or why the unrealized changes), the article is accepted.
  • To accept with major changes: Authors should submit a new version to the journal that will be submitted to a short evaluation by editorial committee (the authors must submit a detailed list of changes made or why the unrealized changes).
  • Rejected: The authors decide whether to submit a new version to the journal, which will be treated as a new article.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content under a Creative Commons Licence (CC BY 4.0) on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

The contents are distributed with the Creative Commons 4.0 license, which allows users to copy, distribute, adapt and communicate publicly, for any purpose as long as the credits of the work are recognized.

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Reviewer Guidelines

Guide for reviewers

Thank you for accepting the evaluation of the article. If after having made a preliminary reading of it, consider that for academic, ethical or any other reasons, you are not suitable to judge the quality of work, please return it to the Revista Colombiana de Química – Colombian Journal of Chemistry.

Remember that it is a double blind type review, so please avoid placing personal information in your evaluation (name, signature, mail, telephone, etc.). Kindly, we ask you to perform an anonymous, confidential, objective, critical and argued evaluation of the article, answering the following questions. Try to avoid yes/no answers, instead suggest a comment on each question. If, in addition to answering these questions, you consider it pertinent to comment on the original manuscript, please change your username to "Evaluator", "Reviewer", or “Referee” to maintain your anonymity.

  1. Does the summary mention the purposes of the research, the relevant results and the most important conclusions? Is the information contained in the summary of the three languages (or those you master) the same?
  2. In the introduction, is the concise description of the general approach of the subject, giving its current status, and also presenting the main and secondary objectives of the work? Does the introduction mention a specific problem in the area and the contribution that the article makes to this problem?
  3. Are the equipment and the experimental, theoretical or computational methods through which the data and results presented in this article were obtained sufficiently described or explained in the Materials and Methods section? Could the experiments be replicated based on the methodology?
  4. Respecting the intellectual independence of the authors, do you consider that the analysis of the results is correct and that it is presented clearly?
  5. Are the conclusions related to the objectives of the work and are they supported by the obtained results?
  6. Is the article innovative, interesting, and does it contribute new or relevant knowledge to be published it in the Revista Colombiana de Química?
  7. Are the style and the drafting of the article consistent with the quality of a scientific article?
  8. Do the tables and figures in the document present relevant information for the investigation in an orderly and clear manner? Do they have good visual quality?
  9. Are the bibliographic quotes correct? Is there any key or important document excluded from the references?
  10. Can the article be published without modifications? Can it be published with changes? The article should not be published?

Do not hesitate to report any suspected plagiarism or fraud related to this article.