Coherentismo, internalismo de la justificación y realismo davidsoniano
Coherentism, Internalism of Justification and Davidson’s Realism
Davidson, Creencia, Coherencia, Justificación, Realismo, Verdad (es)Davidson, Belif, Coherence, Justification, Realism, Truth (en)
In this paper I try to present doubts about how successful Davidson is in proving that his thesis on truth and justification are compatible with his realist position. First (I) I present the three principal thesis from A Coherence Theory of Truth and Knowledge (CT) concerning truth and justification, as well as the realist position. Then (II) I deal with proving how the incompatibility emerges between these thesis and the realist position. Afterwards (III) I show how Davidson solves such an incompatibility. In that section it becomes obvious that Davidson’s thesis relies on demonstrating that beliefs are mostly truthful (in a realist sense). Finally (IV) I present two doubts regarding Davidson’s solution. The core of my objections lies in showing that it is not clear that it has been proved that the beliefs are mostly, objectively truthful.
Davidson, D. “On a Very Idea of Conceptual Scheme”. En: Inquiries into Truth and Interpretation.Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1984. 183-198.
Davidson, D. “A Coherence Theory of Truth and Knowledge”. En: Subjective, Intersubjective, Objective. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 2001. 137-158.
Davidson, D. “The Second Person”. En: Subjective, Intersubjective, Objective. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 2001. 177-192.
Quine, W. V. O. “On the Very Idea of the Third Dogma”. En: Theories and Things. Cambridge Mass: Harvard U. P, 1981. 28-42.