Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.- The submission has not been previously published or sent to another journal (or an explanation has been provided in Commentaries to the editor).
- The file is in Microsoft Word, rtf, or WordPerfect format.
- The text has line-spacing of 1.5; font size is 12 points; italics are used instead of underlining (except URLs); and all the illustrations, figures and tables are within the text at the corresponding location and not at the end of the text.
- The text complies with bibliographic and style requirements in the Author Guidelines which can be found in About the Journal.
- If the text is to be reviewed by peers, ensure that the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.
Section Policies
Artículos / Colombia
Los artículos sometidos a esta sección deben versar sobre temas de historia o historiografía colombiana.
Artículos / Dossier
Los artículos sometidos a esta sección (exclusiva de números monográficos) deben estar relacionados con la temática del dossier.
Copyright Notice
Unless otherwise established, the contents of this Journal are governed by a Creative Commons license “Attribution-NoDerivatives” 4.0 International (CC-BY-ND).*
*Since Vol. 47 No. 2 (2020)
Ethics and Good Practices in Publication
The Anuario Colombiano de Historia Social y de la Cultura follows the general stipulations of Habeas Data in Statutory Law 1266 of 2008 with regard to the management of information contained in personal databases.
In cases in which research involves human beings or living beings, the Journal follows the guidelines of Resolution No. 008430 of October 1993 of the Ministry of Health. For research in health, it is governed by the Alma Ata Declaration of September 1978.
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The names and email addresses registered in our Journal will be used exclusively within our ethical guidelines and will not be distributed to third parties.