El gerente de tecnología, perfil e impacto de su gestión en las organizaciones
The manager of technology, profile and impact of its management in the organizations
Palabras clave:
Tecnología, Gestión de Tecnología, Transferencia de Tecnología, Asimilación de Tecnología, Negociación de Tecnología, Creación e Innovación de Tecnología (es)Technology Management, Profile for the technology manager, Technological Innovation, Creation of Technology (en)
The main objective of this paper was to identify the functions and to describe the profile of the technology manager. This paper was developed based on the need to reunite the concepts that have been developed on technology management and to adjust them to the corporate environment of the country. The contexlualization process was developed in the companies "Carrocerias del Sol" and 'Texpinal Inc." On the other hand, the process of structuring the concepts on technology management was based on the bibliographical revision and its objective was to present technology like an element of cross-sectional management within the organizations. The results obtained are summarized in three aspects. The first one was the identification of the technology and its management as a marginal area in the education of business administration students, making it difficult to have a clear concept of its management and role within the companies. The second conclusion revolves around the little understanding that the industrialists of the country have about technology and the ways in which this area is a part of the companies. This conclusion is based upon the little interest shown by the Colombian industrialists to develop processes of separation and assimilation of technologies. The third conclusion makes reference to the importance that the technology manager has to obtain competitive advantages and a greater profit inside the organizations, Thanks to the contextualization of concepts developed in this monograph, it is estimated that by introducing the elements of technological management in the curricular programs of the business administration faculties and by having research projects, there would be a greater diffusion of the functions, advantages and possibilities that this one area of the management offers.
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