Algunos estudios estadísticos útiles en hidrología
Hidrología, Análisis de caudales máximos (es)Hydrology, Peak flow analysis (en)
Son brevemente señalados algunos de los problemas asociados con la determinación de la distribución para modelar caudales máximos, entre ellos se señalan: Los límites de los estadísticos, el sesgo de éstos, así como la condición de separación
Some of the problems related to the choice of the flood flow distribution are briefly outlined, such as the boundness and bias of the statistics, as well as the condition of separation.
Beran, M.A., Hosking, J.R.M. and Arnell, N.: Comment on “Two Component Extreme Value Distribution for Flood Frequency Analysis” by Rossi et al. (1984), Water Resour. Res., 22(2), 263-266, 1986. DOI:
Bobee, B. and Robitaille, R.: Correction of Bias in the Estimation of the Coefficient of Skewness, Water Resour. Res., 11(6), 851-854, 1975. DOI:
Cunnane, C.: Condition of Separation of Skewness of Random Samples from the General Extreme Value Distribution, Unpub. Rep., Dept. Eng. Hydrol., Univ. Coll. Galway, 7 pag., 1984.
Cunnane, C., Stochastic Hydrology Section (A) and (B) for M.Sc Course, Univ. Coll. Galway, Ireland, 1985.
Cunnane, C.: Review of Statistical Models for Flood Frequency Estimation, Keynote Address Presented at the International Symposium on Flood Frequency and Risk Analysis, U.S.A., 1986. DOI:
Greis, N.P.: Flood Frequency Analysis: A Review of 1979-1982, Reviews of Geophysics and Space Physics, U.S., Vol 21(3), 699-706, April 1983. DOI:
Haan, T.C.: Statistical Methods in Hydrology, Iowa State University Press, Ames, 1977.
Hazen, A.: Flood Flows, John Wiley, N.Y., 1930.
Houghton, J.C.: Birth of a Parent: The Wakeby Distribution for Modelling Flood Flows, Water Resour. Res., 14(4), 1105-1109, 1978. DOI:
Interagency Committee on Water Resources, Subcommittee on Hydrology: Methods of Flood Frequency Analysis, Bull. 13, 42 pag., Washington, D.C., April 1966.
King, W.: A Low Frequency for Irish Rivers, M. Sc. Thesis, Univ. Coll. Galway, Ireland, May. 1985.
Kirby, W.: Algebraic Boundness of Sample Statistics, Water Resour. Res., 10(2), 220 - 222, 1974. DOI:
Matalas, N.C., Slack, J.R. and Wallis, J.R.: Regional Skew in Search of a Parent, Water Resour. Res., 11(6), 815-826, 1975. DOI:
Rossi, F., Fiorentino, M., and Versace, P.: Two Component Extreme Value Distribution for Flood Frequency Analysis, Water Resour. Res., 20(7), 847-856, 1984. DOI:
Wallis, J.R., Matalas, N.C. and Slack, J.R.: Just a Moment!, Water Resour. Res., 10(2), 211-219, 1974. DOI:
Water Resources Council: A Uniform Technique for Determining Flood Flow Frequencies, Bull. 15, 15 pag., Washington, D.C., Dec. 1967.
Wu, B. and Goodridge, J.D.: Selection of Frequency Distributions for Hydrologic Frequency Analysis, Dept. of Water Resources, State of California, 85 pag., Sacramento, June 1976.
Yevjevich, V. and Obeysekera, J.T.B.: Estimation of Skewness of Hydrological Variables, Water Resour. Res., 20(7), 1984. DOI:
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1. Carlos A. González M.. (1989). Simulación hidrológica. Ingeniería e Investigación, (19), p.63.
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