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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The author(s) have read carefully the guidelines and indications for authors provided in

    Note: These guidelines establish the minimum aspects of quality and form in the presentation of ideas, which will be checked by the Editorial Team in the editorial review stage, prior to the formal acceptance of the document to begin the evaluation. If you have any doubts about the stages of the editorial process, we invite you to consult the stages of the editorial process and the workflow. About
  • Does your paper fall within the disciplinary fields of management or accounting, or within the social sciences that have some implication in the study of organizations?

    We remind you that these are the disciplinary fields of interest of this journal. If your paper deviates from these disciplinary fields, your application may be rejected for lack of thematic relevance to Innovar. If you have doubts about the thematic relevance of your paper, you can consult the Editorial Team before submitting your paper.
  • Does your document fall within the document typologies that the journal indicates in its guidelines for authors?

    These are: research article, review article, reflection article, reviews. If you have doubts about these document typologies, you can read more information here If you think that this list leaves out the typology of your document, please contact the Editorial Team before submitting your paper. Eventually, Innovar accepts and publishes other types of documents such as essays, position papers, letters to the editor, among others.
  • Is your document original and unpublished?

    Innovar checks the originality and unpublishedness of the submitted documents. Please refrain from submitting a paper that has already been published, in whole or in part, in a scholarly source with ISBN, ISSN or DOI. In case of originality and uneditedness problems, we will resort to the provisions of the COPE and the Elsevier Research Ethics Manual.
  • Is the document submitted to Innovar simultaneously under evaluation in another journal or academic dissemination media?

    Papers submitted for evaluation in Innovar cannot be under evaluation in another medium simultaneously. If this ethical misconduct is identified, the Innovar editorial board, the editorial board of the identified source and the institution of the author(s) will be notified. The document will be automatically rejected from the editorial process and the editorial committee will consider any sanction to the author(s).
  • Authors must be researchers, experts in the field, or with a minimum of postgraduate studies. A maximum of five authors per paper are accepted.
  • Title of the article: it must be concise and correspond to the content, without failing to specifically point out the subject or matter studied. It is recommended that it be between twelve and twenty words. The use of a non-numerical note is also recommended to indicate any clarification about the work (derivation of a research project, financing, acknowledgements, among others).
  • The abstract should have a maximum of 210 words in the original language of the article. It is suggested that abstracts contain the following elements: a brief introduction to the subject-problem, objective of the work, methodology, results and main contributions. Abstracts should present the above key elements in a precise and brief manner, without unnecessary data. They should not contain tables, figures or references. Their objective is to accurately reflect the content of the article.
  • Keywords should be at least five keywords. It suggested that these words appear in the title and/or abstract of the paper.
  • Three codes from the Journal of Economic Literature Classification (JEL Classification) must be specified. The codes should have one alphabetic and two numeric characters, e.g., M41. This classification is available at
  • Papers should have a minimum length of 6,000 and a maximum length of 10,000 words, including references, notes, and tables. Reviews should not exceed 3,000 words, including references.
  • The author(s) have considered the following sections that their document should have:

    Introduction: should present a brief delimitation of the research topic-problem with respect to the specific disciplinary field. A review of the antecedents should be made to show the novelty of the contributions and justify the importance of the work in the discipline. It is recommended to present the research question and objective, as well as a paragraph that explains the structure of the document.
    Theoretical framework or literature review: there should be a logical linkage that presents the background of the research topic-problem in the field. A pertinent and current bibliographic review should be sought.
    Methodology: it should present and justify the methods, techniques and sources used.
    Results and discussion: it should show a relationship between the background and the results of the research. An analytical presentation of the results is suggested in order to establish a dialogue based on the contributions of the work.
    Conclusion: it is suggested to emphasize the novel contributions of the paper to the field, as well as to recognize the limitations and propose future lines of research.
  • References: the American Psychological Association (APA) style, seventh edition, must be used for citation and referencing. Citations within the text must use the parenthetical system (surname, year, and page [only direct citation]). The list of references in alphabetical order should be included at the end of the text. There must be a correspondence between citations and the sources included in the references. A DOI number must be included for all sources. In case they do not have a DOI number, authors could add an online link directing to the source.
  • Other items: graphs, tables, images, and other graphic elements must be included in the body of the text in an editable format and attached in its original or an editable format (.jpeg, .png, .ppt, .xls). They must be included in grayscale. The title and source must also be inserted. These resources should be mentioned within the body of the text.

    We suggest indicating the hierarchy of titles through numbers (1, 1.1, 1.1.1) in order to facilitate the editing work, although this will be eliminated during proofreading.
    Footnotes should be kept to a minimum. All major comments must be included within the text.
  • Have the author(s) filled out, prior to the application, the Innovar authors' form? This form must be filled out by each of the authors. Thus, a code will be sent to the registered e-mails, which will be requested in the postulation, in the comments for editors section. There should be as many codes as authors.

    Please go :here
  • Have you read the OJS manual for article submission?

    This manual will allow you to know the specific steps to follow for the submission of your paper.
    You can consult it here
  • Have you adjusted the article or review according to the submission template provided by Innovar?

    It is an indispensable requirement to adjust the submit documents to the journal's editorial process according to the template provided by Innovar.
    You can consult it here

Author Guidelines

Guidelines for authors:


Innovar Journal editorial policies consider the publication of studies in the disciplinary fields of Management and Accounting, as well as those of the Social Sciences with some relation to the study of organizations, from various epistemological and methodological perspectives and specific types of documents:

  1. Research articles: Present the original and unpublished results of systematic processes and research projects in a detailed and accurate way. The following structure for this type of article is suggested: introduction, literature review (theoretical framework), methodology, results, discussion, and conclusions.
  2. Research-based reflection article: present academic discussions based on the review of relevant literature and the development of a specific subject-problem. Analytical, interpretative, and critical perspectives on the specific subject-problem are accepted, as long as they contribute in an original, novel, and plausible way to the state of the art in a certain field or disciplinary subfield. The following structure is suggested: introduction, logical-argumentative development of the topic, original contribution by the author, implications, inferences, or conclusions.
  3. Review article: introduce the systematization of a methodical and rigorous literature review process under its various modalities. This type of article contributes to a specific disciplinary field by providing detailed and feasible analyzes of the state of the art on a given research subject-problem. An article will be considered within this typology if —and only if— it sufficiently and rigorously provides an account of the systematization of the available literature in a specific field. For this purpose, a minimum of fifty different sources should be examined and included in the review. The following structure is suggested: introduction, methodology, results, discussion, and conclusions.
  4. Review: documents that describe and discuss specialized literature products, generally books. Critical reviews of works that, preferably, have not been previously reviewed will be published; however, in case other reviews of such a document are available, the new proposal is expected to have a novel and persuasive approach. The author should address the objective, development, contributions, and limitations of the original work.


General recommendations: 


Innovar Editorial Committee will consider the following aspects before accepting or rejecting any article or review eligible for publication in the first instance. Therefore, we suggest authors to consider these recommendations:

  1. Innovar adopts ethical guidelines for scholarly work internationally accepted by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and Elsevier research ethics manual.
  2. Only unpublished and original works will be considered for publication. Translations of articles or other documents already published in other media will not be accepted.
  3. Articles submitted for evaluation in Innovar must not be simultaneously under evaluation in another publication. In case this malpractice is identified, Innovar and the institution authors belong to will be notified.
  4. Authors must be researchers, experts in the field, or hold a graduate degree, at least. A maximum of five authors per document will be accepted.
  5. The content of an article is the sole responsibility of its authors. The content of published works does not represent the opinion of Innovar nor that of the National University of Colombia.
  6. Submissions must be delivered through Innovar Open Journal System (OJS) platform. All attached documents must be uploaded in an editable format (.doc, .xls, .ppt). In addition, the submission preparation checklist must be adequately and exhaustively addressed.


Guidelines for articles


Title: must be concise and correspond to the content of the article, without ceasing to specifically indicate the topic or subject studied. Titles must have between twelve and twenty words. The use of a non-numeric footnote is recommended to indicate any clarification about the submission (research project, funding, acknowledgments, among others).

Abstract: must have a maximum of 210 words in the original language the article was written. Abstracts should include the following: a brief introduction to the subject-problem, objective, methodology, results, and main contributions. Abstracts should present the above key elements accurately and briefly, without dwelling on unnecessary data. They should not contain tables, figures, or references. Its purpose is to accurately depict the content of the article.

Keywords: a minimum of five keywords must be included. We suggest these words be included in the title or abstract.

JEL Codes: three codes from the Journal of Economic Literature classification (JEL Classification) must be provided. Referred codes must contain one alphabetic character and two numeric characters, e.g. M41. This classification can be searched at


Content Guidelines


Length: articles must have a minimum length of 6,000 words and do not exceed 10,000 words, including references, footnotes, and tables.

Introduction: must briefly define the research subject-problem. A review of background information must be carried out in order to show the novelty of the authors' contributions and justify the importance of their work for the associated discipline. We suggest including the research question and objective, as well as a paragraph describing the structure of the article.

Theoretical framework or literature review: there must be a logical sequence that introduces the background of the research subject-problem. A relevant and topical bibliographic review should be sought.

Methodology: must present and justify the methods, techniques, and sources used.

Results and discussion: must clearly show a relationship between background information and research results. An analytical presentation of results that allows establishing a discussion based on the contributions of the research is suggested.

Conclusion: should emphasize the contributions of the research to its related field of knowledge, as well as recognize the limitations of the study and propose future research lines.

References: the American Psychological Association (APA) style, seventh (7a) edition, must be used for citation and referencing. Citations within the text must use the parenthetical system (surname, year, and page [only direct citation]). The list of references in alphabetical order should be included at the end of the text. There must be a correspondence between citations and the sources included in the references. A doi number must be included for all sources. In case they do not have a doi number, authors could add an online link directing to the source.

Other items: graphs, tables, images, and other graphic elements must be included in the body of the text in an editable format and attached in its original or an editable format (.jpeg, .png, .ppt, .xls). They must be included in grayscale. The title and source must also be inserted. These resources should be mentioned within the body of the text. We suggest indicating the hierarchy of titles through numbers (1, 1.1, 1.1.1) in order to facilitate the editing work, although this will be eliminated during proofreading.

Footnotes should be kept to a minimum. All major comments must be included within the text.


Guidelines for reviews


Length: must not exceed 3,000 words, including references.

Format: must be submitted in an editable file, along with the cover of the book or publication being reviewed (.jpg at 300 dpi).

Approval: reviews will be submitted for approval by an expert reader appointed by Innovar Editorial Committee.


Evaluation process

Double-blind peer-reviewing: authors will not be aware of the identity of reviewers, nor will reviewers acknowledge the identity of authors. Submissions will be subject to evaluation by two experts on the subject, who will independently conceptualize on the assigned work. In case there is not an agreement between these two reviewers, a third evaluator will be called upon to resolve the conflict.

Evaluation criteria: reviewers will consider criteria such as the topicality of the research topic, its contribution to knowledge, conceptual soundness, relevance and mastery of the referred sources, methodological robustness, relevance of the discussion of results, and its conclusions, among others. All reviewers must issue their concept in the format defined by Innovar.

Confidentiality: Innovar will ensure the confidentiality of any data related to authors and reviewers. The details and results of the reviewing process will only be informed to those directly involved (authors, reviewers, and editors). Authors are asked to avoid excessive self-citation or add any type of data in the text that may offer hints about their identity.

Evaluation time: an average time of six to twelve months should be expected between the time peer reviewers are invited, their acceptance, and the delivery of their evaluation concepts. However, this timeframe may be shortened or extended, depending on the availability of reviewers and other factors that could delay or accelerate the process.

Editorial decision: Innovar will only send an official communication about submissions once a decisive result on their approval without changes, approval with slight or major changes, or rejection has been achieved.

Submission of corrections: in case reviewers suggest modifications to an article, authors will have three to five weeks to make the amendments. The new version of the article must be accompanied by an anonymous reply letter addressed to each reviewer, describing the changes made in accordance with their comments.


Editorial comment on the evaluation process:

The purpose of the reviewing process, in addition to evaluating the contributions of submissions to their corresponding disciplinary field, is to offer authors the opportunity to improve their proposals and enhance their approaches toward the construction of high-quality articles. Therefore, Innovar expects that authors receive the comments made by reviewers as an opportunity to improve the quality of their work when their submission is not accepted for publication, to later send their article to another journal.


Notes of interest:


  1. The submission of a document does not oblige Innovar Editorial Committee or its Editors to ensure or carry out its publication.
  2. Articles and reviews will be received all year round, unless otherwise indicated.
  3. If Innovar editorial team does not provide confirmation on the reception of a submission within the deadlines stated in the OJS, or if you have not received a response to any type of message within that period, please redirect your message to the following e-mail address:
  4. When an article is accepted for publication authors grant their copyrights to Innovar, journal of the School of Management and Public Accounting at the Faculty of Economic Sciences, National University of Colombia.
  5. Articles published in Innovar are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported license. The content, in whole or in part, published on any channel must be cited as indicated on the article's presentation page. Additionally, Innovar suggests that its DOI number is always included.
  6. For more information about Innovar go to the journal’s OJS ( or visit its web page (

Personal Data Processing Policy

The names of authors, reviewers, and readers, as well as all e-mail addresses listed on this site, will be exclusively used for the stated purposes of the Journal, and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party. In addition, Innovar adheres to Colombian regulations on personal data privacy and protection.