Information for authors
Declaration of originality, authorship responsibility and conflict of interest
MOMENTO is a journal created in the Physics Department in 1989; since then it publishes every six months original unpublished results of basic and applied research on diverse areas of Physics, such as: Science and Materials Engineering, Solid State Physics, High Energy Physics, Relativity, Fluid Mechanics, Optics, Medical Physics and Biophysics, Geophysics, Nuclear Physics, Physical Chemistry, Chaos and Complexity, Nano-science and Nanotechnology.
MOMENTO is indexed in SCOPUS, Web of Science, SciELO Colombia, EBSCO (Fuente Académica Premier), DOAJ, Latindex and Google Scholar.
How to publish in MOMENTO, Journal of Physics?
Send us your article through our website or to the email Then the peer review process will be done by experts in their field, which will provide constructive feedback. Once accepted, your article must be adjusted to meet the requirements found in guidelines for authors. We suggest that your articles be written in English for a greater visibility.
MOMENTO publishes free of charge the accepted articles.
Images taken from:
Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Faculty of Science. Department of Physics. Bogotá, Colombia. Correspondence address Carrera 30 No 45-03. Edificio 404 (Of. 205). Phone number (57-1) 316 5000 ext. 13009
ISSN : 0121-4470 (Print)
e-ISSN : 2500-8013 (Online)
ISSN-L: 0121-4470
DOI: 10.15446/mo
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