About the Journal

Ciencia Política is an instrument to communicate with the public and, specially, with the Spanish speaking academic and scientific-political community. It is a biannual publication that originated in 2006 aimed at catalyzing the political debate in the Colombian arena, based on a global perspective alien to disciplinary reclusion and directed towards developing the public role of contributing to building of a more informed, critical and active general public.

Ciencia Política is mainly focused on the publication of unpublished articles of research, reflection and review of topics in the areas of political theory, political analysis, government and public policies and international and global relations. To that end, the journal is structured around three sections: Core theme, in which a previously selected theme is addressed in detail; Other research, which includes texts on different themes and orientations; and Recensions, dedicated to unpublished review of recent publications, dialogs with other academic articles, unpublished translation of relevant texts, or discussions on current political issues. 


Current Issue

Vol. 18 No. 36 (2023): Conflictos por la hegemonía política global

					View Vol. 18 No. 36 (2023): Conflictos por la hegemonía política global

The outbreak of the war between Russia and Ukraine on February 24, 2022, and its unprecedented continuation to the present day unleashed a kind of global chaos and insecurity that revived age-old questions and discussions as old as the history of modern nation-states itself: who or what entities hold and contest power and hegemony in the international system? How do these disputes manifest in different dimensions of global relations? These questions have long ceased to be answered from the traditional perspectives of the North American academy with its state-centric models, those that assume that power can be measured in an absolute manner and represented unilaterally through a rational and comparative quantification of military capabilities among one or more states.

Published: 2023-12-29

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