Desde el Jardín de Freud 16

True to our tradition to propose for each number from the Garden of Freud a question mobilize the desire of readers and friends of the magazine, and to provide both the advancement of psychoanalytic thought as to the understanding of the subject and social ties contemporary, number 16, we present today revolved around the question of truth and its effects.

This question is relevant to the clinic because the subject suffering once installed on the device healing, one way or another intuits that suffering is related to the truth that his symptom articulates with her and that this betrays to arise at a time, a place and say unexpected, and to a listener apparently wrong. Even if to appeal to cheating or lying, there will be surprised that transport is also a truth. Wrong or not, the subject assumes his clinical experience with truth as the horizon of your search and key to transforming their suffering, even while not want to know anything about her. At the same time, the effects associated with the healing effects of truth. Perhaps this is why Lacan argued that "if radically eliminates the dimension of truth, all interpretation is only suggestion."

On the other hand, the question concerns us directly today Colombians who attend expectantly to advances in dialogues that seek to end armed conflict more than fifty years. Beyond the issues of justice and reparation, the truth begins to emerge as the central issue, a truth that transcends knowledge, always necessary, but insufficient, even if it has a huge amount of statements, facts, figures, descriptions and even testimonies; It will be insufficient while not have the dimension of truth, with the support of an act of enunciation involving the subject.

Published: 2016-01-01

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